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Example sentences for "marine origin"

  • This I find to be the case, and in two instances the discovery of shells was preliminary to the extension of the boundaries of the known distribution of boulders of trans-marine origin.

  • They are of marine origin, as is apparent by the multitude of fossils they contain of Zoophytes, Radiata, Cephalopoda, and Fishes.

  • It is, in short, during the Tertiary epoch that we trace an alternate succession of beds containing organic beings of marine origin, with others peculiar to fresh water.

  • The Miocene rocks, of marine origin, are very imperfectly represented in the Paris basin, and their composition changes with the localities.

  • First, it will account equally for the position of those elevated masses of marine origin in which the stratification remains horizontal, and for those in which the strata are disturbed, broken, inclined, or vertical.

  • This has been demonstrated by the appearance of intercalated deposits of terrestrial, freshwater, or, as the case may be, marine origin.

  • The strata referred to by Nordenskioeld, are, for the most part, of marine origin, and their faunas are sufficient to show us that the Arctic seas were formerly temperate and genial.

  • Here is a column of weighty matter raised from a great depth below, to an immense height above, the level of the sea, and rocks of an enormous size are projected from its orifice some miles into the air.

  • If one bed of limestone is thus found to have been of a marine origin, every concomitant bed of the same kind must be also concluded to have been formed in the same Manner.

  • Yet this vegetable matter is all of supra-marine origin, for where shells occur in it they are all of terrestrial or fluviatile kinds, so that it must have grown above the sea-level when the land was more elevated than now.

  • On the same hills, also, at all elevations, stratified gravels occur which, although devoid of shells, it seems hardly possible to refer to any but a marine origin.

  • In Canada and the United States we experience the same difficulty as in Europe when we attempt to distinguish between glacial formations of submarine and those of supra-marine origin.

  • They are probably mainly of marine origin, but formed near the estuary of a large river.

  • It is of marine origin, and provides a supply of excellent water, and consequently many villages stand upon or close to it.

  • After the deposition of the Portland rocks, which are of marine origin, there is reason to believe that our district became land and a part of a continent, but no relics of this period remain here.

  • Jurassic clays= are an important group, of marine origin, occurring in close association with limestone.

  • In the Lower Coal Measures of Yorkshire and Lancashire, Stopes and Watson (23) have shown that the shales forming the roof of the Upper Foot Coal were derived from drifted sediments of marine origin.

  • The shales usually occur above the seams of coal and are either of lacustrine or marine origin, differences in their fossils and lithological character supporting one origin for some deposits and the other for the remainder.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marine origin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    church again; clock train; extensively cultivated; food production; great consternation; happen what; himself the; hired servant; house keeper; looked hard; marine animals; marine deposits; marine engine; marine engineering; marine engines; marine fish; marine fishes; marine insurance; marine origin; marine shells; moved from; publishing house; shall choose; violent attack; what had once been; white dress