And so forth unto the imperatif, makyng other verbes by patron of the same.
Here endith the makyng of the Comynge of the Kyng out of Fraunce to Londone, Be the monk of Bery.
Ples yt yow to wete, that at the makyng of thys byll, my brodyr and I, and all our felawshep, wer in good helle, blyssyd be God.
To Skolous, wax chandeler, for makyngof the hers at Bromholm, xxiil.
Paid, William Grene, the King's Coffer Maker for makyng of a coffer, covered with fustyan of Naples and beinge full of drawe boxes lyned with red and grene sarcynet to put in stones of diverse sorts vj li.
This Cacike after he had heard Cortes attentiuely, he began a long communication, makyng his complaynt and opening his griefe in this sorte.
Aluarado wished Cortes to shew himself toward him as agrieued & not well pleased, makyng as though he would apprehend & correct him for the things passed, thinking that Mutezuma and his men would haue entreated for him.
For thys mater is to all usse eyther makyng or marryng.
Also ye shall gyff credence to the brynger of thys letter, and I beseke yow to reward hym to hys costs; for I was not in power at the makyng of thys letter to gyff hym, but as I wass put in trest by favar of strange pepyll, &c.
Zour Awnte[88-2] or sum other good woman wule do her almes up on zow for the makyng of them.
Item, paide for kervying of Mary and John and the makyng newe xxxiijs.
Item, paide to a carpynter formakyng of the Crucyfix and the beme He standeth upon xls.
For makyng xvij candilsticks for the roode-light xjs.
Further payments are 'for makyng of 29 of the Kynges bestes to stand upon the new batilments of the Kynges New Hall, and uppon the femerell of the said Hall' and 'for 16 vanys for the bestes standyng upon the battylment of the hall.
They makyng a crosse and kissynge yt where there handes were.
Furste, a groome or a page to take a torche, and to goo to the warderobe of the kynges bedd, and bryng theym of the warderobe with the kynges stuff unto the chambr formakyng of the same bedde.
Also the besieged, are easely made to yelde them selves, makyng theim afraied, with signifiyng unto them a victorie gotten, or with new aides, whiche come in their disfavour.
Thextraordinarie Pikes, I would deffende a long the flanckes of these battailes, on the left side, distante from them fiftene yardes, makyng Cxliij.
Right worthy and worshepefull Sir, I recomaunde to yow, preyeng yow to wite that I have resceyved yowr goodly lettres makyng mencion that Sir John Paston,[23.
Than my mayster Stapilton brake ought of this mater and spake to me of the a restyng of Bettes and makyng of affray up on Gonnor.
And if it plase zowre goode broderod to here of myn wellefare, at the makyng of this bylle I was in good hele.
THE arte of makyng of Dials, bothe for the daie and the nyght, with certayn new formes of fixed dialles for the moon and other for the sterres, whiche may bee sette in glasse windowes to serue by daie and by night.
F, and set the one compas foote in A, and extend thother foote of the compas toward F, makyng this pricke G, from whiche I erect a plumbeline G.
D, other in E, and so makyng a compasse, you haue youre whole intent.
THE arte of measuryng by the astronomers staffe, and by the astronomers ryng, and the form of makyng them both.
And yef hit plaese your hieghnesse to knowe of oure wilfare, at themakyng of this lettre we were in good helith of bodis, thonked be God; beseching your good and graciouse Faderhode of youre daily blessing.
Sir William, a chanon of Hempton Abbay, cause my Lord to inquere if he whar owt privy of the mony makyngor eny other of that Abbay of Hempton.
And, my lord, do me nowe gode servyce, as ye have always befor don, and I trust nowe so to remember you as shalbe the makyng of you and yours.
At the makyng of thys lettyr, I cannot acerteyn yow what person it is that owythe thys hors.
In the makyng of it, ye shall diuide it thus, to make the Oracion more plaine, into three tymes.
In the makyngof Ethopoeia, lette it be plaine, and with- out any large circumstaunce.
And so at the makyng of this bille we were not fully condesended hough we schulde doo.
And yf it plese you to here of my welfar, I was in gode hele at the makyng of this lettre, blessed be God.
And yf it lyked your gode moderhode to here of me and how I do, at themakyng of this lettre I was in gode hele of body tanked be Jesu.
Also, the day afore the makyng of this letter, ther passed a bill[44.
For sith that you be myne, and for sutch yelded and giuen to me, I wyl keepe you, as hir whome I loue and esteme aboue al things of the World, makyng you my Companion and the onely mistresse of my goodes heart, and wyll.
All this whyle the Gentlemen of the kinge's Traine were searching round aboute the Countrey to fynde his Maiesty, makyng Cryes and Hues, that he myghte heare them.
Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.
Duke of Exeter[8] before me in the dukes cote of armes, makyng iiij.
The ending of the chappel was at an angle, the sides makyng as it were a baye in the east wall there.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "makyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.