Confluent: running together; as of two macula when united in one outline.
Gibbous: hump-backed; protuberant: said of a macula when it resembles a moon more than half full.
U) behind; each of these has a special patch or macula to which twigs of the auditory nerve are supplied, and in the mucous membrane of which specialized hair cells are found (fig.
The Amphibia have an important sensory area at the base of the lagena known as the macula acustica basilaris, which is probably the first rudiment of a true cochlea.
Abdomen: with an elongate clavate petiole; the first segment with an oblique yellow macula on each side, the third with a large lateralmacula at its base, and the following segments entirely yellow.
If this did not happen, if this eye remained also immovable, the retinal image would deviate outwards more and more from the macula lutea and diplopia would arise.
Whilst then a sort of community of vision exists for the upper and lower parts of the retinae, the sensations of the retinal area lying in the horizontal plane of the macula lutea of the squinting eye must be suppressed.
In order then to avoid diplopia themacula lutea moves to where the retinal image is formed.
On the other hand, ophthalmoscopic symptoms (such as haemorrhage of the retinal artery in the macula lutea) may disappear without leaving a trace, while defective vision remains.
I have found no confirmation of Alfred Graefe's theory that in myopia the eye chiefly used in fixation is frequently affected with choroiditis of the macula lutea, &c.
Macula Exstinctor," she read, "or Destroyer of Stains.
A gentleman sent me lately a fine specimen of the lanius minor cinerascens cum macula in scapulis alba Raii; which is a bird that, at the time of your publishing your two first volumes of British Zoology, I find you had not seen.
And Professor Mach has suggested that it is through the stimulation of the hair-cells in the patch in the sac itself (the so-called macula acustica) that we are able to appreciate these changes.