The heavenly branches did I see arise Out of the fresh and lustie lawrell tree, Amidst the yong greene wood: of Paradise Some noble plant I thought my selfe to see.
A lustie gay bacheler tooke it me of trust, And if ye seeke to him he will lowe your doing.
But now the matter standeth vpon your mariage, Ye must now take vnto you a lustie courage.
Royster Doyster is my name, Royster Doyster is my name, A lustie brute I am the same, I mun be maried a Sunday.
There loe, suche a lustie bragge it is ye must make.
Or as the buffon in our enterlude called Lustie London said very knauishly and like himselfe.
Thus valiantly and with a manly minde, And by one feate of euerlasting fame, This lustie lad fully requited kinde, His fathers death, and eke his mothers shame.
The ladies seeing them so lustie and couragious, were content to solace with them, and upon further communication to yeeld the castell, and so they came downe and dansed a long space.
This lustie and most valiant capteine entered into Maine, where he slue men, destroied castels, burnt townes, and in conclusion suddenlie tooke the towne of Lauall.
This day dame Nature seem'd in love: The lustie sap began to move; Fresh juice did stir th'imbracing Vines, And birds had drawn their Valentines.
Tis since the siedge of Parthia: bith-'mas a great while; I waslustie then at the service was done there, yet I love the discourse.
Nay, and he be lame, ile talke to him; there's so many lustie knaves walkes now a daies will not sticke to give a man hard words, if he be not disposed to charitie.
Now, lustie yonkers, looke within the glasse,[1532] And tell me if you can discerne your sires.
There loe, such a lustie bragge it is ye must make.
I thinke the frier courts the bonny wench:[1345] Bacon, me thinkes he is a lustie churle.
A lustie gay bacheler tooke it me of trust, And if ye seeke to him he will lowe[440] your doing.
Well, lustie guts, I meane to make ye stay, And set some rubbes in your mindes smothest way.
But now the matter standeth upon your mariage, Ye must now take unto you a lustie courage.
Nay, that were but small manners, and not fit: His dutie is, before you bare to stand, 70 Having a lustie whipstocke in his hand.
Royster Doyster is my name, Royster Doyster is my name, A lustie brute[622] I am the same, I mun be maried a Sunday.
Some lustie courtiers also and gentlemen of courage, doo weare either rings of gold, stones, or pearle in their eares, whereby they imagine the workemanship of God not to be a little amended.
And on the bankes hereof stood the famous abbeie called Founteines or Adfontes, so much renowmed for the lustie monks that sometimes dwelled in the same.
Yet ther was a lustie man, and no less valiante, stood behind a tree within halfe a musket shot, and let his arrows flie at them.
The lustie Stag, conductor of the traine, Leads all the heard in order downe the plaine; The baser rascals[101] scatter here and there As not presuming to approach so neere.
So, like a storme Beating upon a wood of lustie Pines, Which though they shake they keepe their footing fast, Our pikes their horses stood.
And I of shepheards such a lustie crew As neuer Forrester the like yet knew, Who for their persons and their neate aray Shal be as fresh as is the moneth of May.
And good father Fortune-teller, let Frisco knowe whether Siluio my maister, that lustie Forrester, shall gaine that same gay shepheardesse or no.
If lustie loue should go in quest of beautie, Where should he finde it fairer, then in Blanch: If zealous loue should go in search of vertue, Where should he finde it purer then in Blanch?
Now by the world, it is a lustie Wench, I loue her ten times more then ere I did, Oh how I long to haue some chat with her Bap.
I'faith hee'l haue a lustie Widdow now, That shalbe woo'd, and wedded in a day Bian.
But he that hath the stirrage of my course, Direct my sute: onlustie Gentlemen Ben.
Then likelustie Tarquin Turn'd into flames with Lucrece coy denyals, His blood and spirit equally ambitious, I force thee for my own.
Tarraquine and Andacon two principall men about Pemisapan, and very lustie fellowes, with twentie more appointed to them had the charge of my person to see an order taken for the same, which they ment should in this sort haue bene executed.
To this may be added (the realme swarming with lustie youthes that be turned to no profitable use), there may be sente bandes of them into the Base Contries in more rounde nombers then are sente as yet.
And of the Counsell, too: marke Princes then: These roomes are raught at by these lustie lads.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lustie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.