The belief in them is so far a living thing that it greatly lowers the letting value of a house when it is reported to be haunted.
But, as the mere rumour of a haunt greatly lowers the value of a house, it is seldom possible to publish the names of the witnesses, and hardly ever permitted to publish the name of the house.
DAN starts to retaliate, but controls himself, opens his clinched hands, and lowers his head.
The immersion of the cold food soon lowers the temperature of the fat and makes continued immersion possible.
This last operation, at the same time, lowers the temperature of the air in contact with or proximity to the wood, by the same law as in other cases of the conversion of water into vapor.
The lever L is adjusted to suit different sizes of work by the screw G, which raises or lowers the piece H, to which L is pivoted.
At E is the elevating screw which when operated raises or lowers that end of the elevating rest to adjust the tool height.
Policy at least should dictate another course of conduct towards me,--everything that lowers me in the eyes of the world lowers you, too.
In the remote parts of the country, there is frequently not stock sufficient to employ all the people, who therefore bid against one another, in order to get employment, which lowers the wages of labour, and raises the profits of stock.
The diminution of the capital stock of the society, or of the funds destined for the maintenance of industry, however, as it lowers the wages of labour, so it raises the profits of stock, and consequently the interest of money.
A considerable number of people are thrown out of employment, who bid one against another, in order to get it, which sometimes lowers both the real and the money price of labour.
It lowers the price of vegetable food; because, by increasing the fertility of the land, it increases its abundance.
He slights and insults me, lowers me before my own servants.
Eleanor lowersher eyes, and interlaces her fingers.
But it's the heart that lowers me, it is the heart!
With that, and 'Good night,' the Secretary lowers the window, and disappears.
We may suppose that old age[1] or a sickness lowers his inhibiting qualities, and a startling change in conduct results, one that we can scarcely believe and which we are inclined to call a complete transformation of personality.
How does the feeling of energy arise, what increases the energy discharge and what blocks, inhibits or lowers it?
Before sunrise he reascends the tree, lowers the full pot, which may contain from two to six pints, and replaces it with an empty one.
He sighs deeply, and lowers his gaze gloomily to the ground.
The gun is mounted on a disappearing carriage, whichlowers it out of sight behind the breastworks after firing.
They are automatically dropped onto another elevator which lowersthem to the point near where they are used in the final assembly.
While the crane proper is moving through the crane-way, this car travels across the crane, and at the same time raises or lowers whatever may be suspended from it.
The blade cover is attached by a hinge, and the turnkey on top raises and lowers the entire interior chassis in order to regulate depth of cut.
Unlike all other scarificators in the collection, the bottom opens by a hinge, and a key on top raises and lowers the interior mechanism so as to regulate the depth of cut.
If the addition of CO{2} raises the basicity, the removal of CO{2} lowers it.
Ammonium nitrate is employed in practice for the artificial production of cold, because in dissolving in water it lowers the temperature very considerably.
An excess of air lowers the temperature of combustion, because it becomes heated itself, as explained in Chapter III.
At last my vehicle stops, and my djin, with many smiles and precautions lest any fresh rivers should stream down my back, lowers the hood of the cart; there is a break in the storm, and the rain has ceased.
This lowers the resistance and the field magnets of the dynamo are made stronger so that additional voltage is provided to care for the resistance in the metal being heated.
As the belllowers it sets the feed mechanism in motion, and when the gas passing into the holder has raised the bell a sufficient distance, the movement causes the feed mechanism to stop the fall of carbide into the water.
Mukunhud ang hilánat ug paningtun ka, The fever lowers if you break out in cold sweat.
Ug mupaubus siya sa íyang pusil ayaw ug tirúhi, If he lowers his gun, don’t shoot him.
One lowers the services given for the capital, and the other lowers the capital given for the services.
If the society does not keep up its power, if it lowers its organization or wastes its capital, it falls back toward the natural state of barbarism from which it rose, and in so doing it must sacrifice thousands of its weakest members.
We have seen that, while it degrades God to enthrone Jesus in His stead, it also degrades Jesus, and so lowers his character that it defies recognition.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lowers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.