This prince, although euill reported of by writers for the couetous tasking of his subiects, and reteining of ecclesiasticall liuings in his hands; yet was he endued with manie noble and princelie qualities.
Also, that such Normans as had lost anie of their lands & liuings in England, for taking part with the duke in the late rebellion, should be restored to the same.
Sidenote: The halfe part of spirituall liuingsgranted to the king.
Benefices of small value he regarded not greatlie, but such as were good liuingsin deed felt his heauie and rauenous hands extended towards them.
Wherevpon some forsaking their lands in England, liued on those which they had in France, and other forsooke those liuings which they had in France, and came ouer into England to liue on those possessions which they had here.
When he saw that this bait would not take, he onelie demanded a tenth part of all their spirituall liuings for maintenance of the wars against the Saracens, which was easilie granted, as more reasonable than the first.
Sidenote: The value of spirituall liuings in strangers hands.
Manie exclame against such faculties, as if there were mo good preachers that want maintenance, than liuings to mainteine them.
We paie also the tenths of our liuings to the prince yearelie, according to such valuation of ech of them, as hath beene latelie made: which neuerthelesse in time past were not annuall but voluntarie, & paid at request of king or pope.
Sometimes also we are threatned with a Melius inquirendum, as if our liuings were not racked high inough alreadie.
For they also within a while waxing couetous, by their owne experience learned aforehand, raised the markets, and sought after new gaines by the gifts of the greatest liuings in that [Sidenote: Number of churches in France.
Parsons, the rest either such poore Vicars or Curats, as the liuings left are able to sustaine.
His Maiesties fauor promised to the Artificers, and liuings to be appointed them as they can best deserue.
Sometimes also we are threatned with a Meliùs inquirendum, as if our liuings were not racked high inough alreadie.
This yeare was granted to the king in parlement assembled at Westminster of the spirituall mens liuings a tenth for the space of three yeares, and a fifteenth of the temporaltie during the same tearme.
Laymens best liuings were the Church livings; yet the gentry come to beggery.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liuings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.