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Example sentences for "couetous"

Lexicographically close words:
couering; couert; couet; coueted; coueting; couetousnes; couetousnesse; cougar; cougars; cough
  1. But after he had obteined the kingdome of England, his couetous desire, increasing still with abundance alreadie obteined, [Sidenote: Pope Adrian an Englishman borne.

  2. Most holie father, I doo here come for succour to your audience, lamenting that the state of the church, and the liberties thereof are brought to ruine by the couetous dealing of kings and princes.

  3. The couetous miser, of all his goods ill got, Aswell wants that he hath, as that he hath not.

  4. This prince, although euill reported of by writers for the couetous tasking of his subiects, and reteining of ecclesiasticall liuings in his hands; yet was he endued with manie noble and princelie qualities.

  5. Furthermore king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, [Sidenote: A proclamation that none should depart the realme.

  6. These shifts did the king vse from time to time, not caring with what exactions and impositions he burthened the inhabitants of his land, whereby he procured vnto himselfe the name of an oppressor and couetous scraper.

  7. By which meanes she killed that lecherous and couetous vilayne, that rather carked to satisfie his desire, than coueted to obserue hys promisd faith.

  8. But this his new inuented practise and couetous meaning (by reason of forreine aifaires and abridgement of his dales in this transitorie life, which were within two yeares after consumed) tooke some (but not great) effect.

  9. If in any thing she were culpable, it was in being too melancholy chast, and shewing her selfe as couetous of her beautie as her husband was of his bags.

  10. The torride Zone was habitable; onely Jayes loued to steale gold and siluer to build their nests withall, and none cared for couetous clientrie, or running to the Indies.

  11. Thus is this Couetous wretche so blyndly led By the fende that here he lyueth wretchydly And after his deth damned eternally.

  12. This tale is aplyed to the couetous men, whiche by al crafte and meanes study to kepe and encreace theyr money and substance; agaynst whiche vyce many thinges ben wryten.

  13. As farre (sayth one) is that frome a couetous man that he hath, as that he hath nat.

  14. By this tale ye may lerne to perceyue, that it is no wysedome for a man to be couetous of wynnynge of any wager to put in ieopardye a thynge, that maye turne him to greatter displeasure.

  15. The couetous marchant, whan he vnderstode this, and that he muste nedes pay xx li.

  16. How Denise the tirant serued a couetous man.

  17. Of the couetous ambassadour, that wolde here no musike for sparinge of his purse.

  18. Of the couetous ambassodour, that wolde here no musike.

  19. One that is ouer-couetous ought nat to attwite[156] an other of prodigalite.

  20. Yes, quod Haniball, and though they were the moste couetous of all the worlde.

  21. Why should a couetous man be called poore, what affinitie is betwixt them twoo?

  22. Whan a couetous man on a time was come vnto a certain cite, whither he was sent as ambassadour for his contrey, anon the mynstrels of the cite came to him to fil his eares with swete din, to th' intente he shuld fyl their purses with money.

  23. A ryche couetous marchant there was that dwellid in London, which euer gaderyd mony and could neuer fynd in hys hert to spend ought vpon hym selfe nor vpon no man els.

  24. These and such like he called to the peoples remembraunce, whereby they abrogated and deposed Tarquinius, banishing him, his wife, and children.

  25. Vpon daily conference and consultation had betwene them, they consulted by what sleight or pollicie, they might comence a quarrell against the Romaines.

  26. Then he fled to the Volscians, of whom he was gently interteigned: and lodged in the house of Accius Tullius, the chiefe of that citie, and a deadly enemie to the Romaynes.

  27. And as he did surpasse al other Italians in substance and wealth, so in auarice and wretchednes he surmounted beyond measure the most couetous and miserable of the worlde.

  28. One called Guglielmo Borsiere with certaine wordes well placed, taunted the couetous life of Ermino Grimaldi.

  29. All these thinges be ynough and ynough againe for the Romaines, although they were the most couetous men of the world.

  30. Sidenote: The king couetous in his old age.

  31. By this vndue meanes, these couetous persons filled the kings coffers, and inriched themselues.

  32. And I meant not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde / or of the couetous / or of extorsioners / or of the Idolatrors / for then muste ye neades haue gone owt of the worlde.

  33. This Stigand was greatlie infamed for his couetous practises in sale of possessions apperteining to the church.

  34. So hee did wring from his subiects very much substance, very much blood; not for that he was by nature either couetous or cruell, but for that his affaires could not otherwise be managed.

  35. This iniustice hee did not by ignorance or ouersight; not vpon any necessitie of State; but to content his owne couetous desire.

  36. The charge thereof vnto a couetous Spright 2 Commaunded was, who thereby did attend, And warily awaited day and night, 4 From other couetous feends it to defend, Who it to rob and ransacke did intend.

  37. Nowe wée may safely say, that the couetous desire of gold, wherof they had plenty, was cause of their death, and they may answere that they died riche.

  38. But alas their couetous minds one waie in inlarging their reuenues, and carnall intent an other, appeered herin too too much.

  39. The like occasion caused the Romans to deuise their law Agraria: but the rich not liking of it, and the couetous vtterlie condemning it as rigorous and vnprofitable, neuer ceased to practise disturbance till it was quite abolished.

  40. Of the dailie incroaching of the couetous vpon the hie waies I speake not.

  41. What foole more couetous than he that seekes to tedd abroad the Churches goods with a forke, and scratch it to himselfe with a rake.

  42. What he cannot helpe in his Nature, you account a Vice in him: You must in no way say he is couetous 1.

  43. By Ioue, I am not couetous for Gold, Nor care I who doth feed vpon my cost: It yernes me not, if men my Garments weare; Such outward things dwell not in my desires.

  44. Where the Britains haue their countrie, their wiues and parents, as iust causes of war to fight for: the Romans haue none at all, but a couetous desire to gaine by rapine, and to satisfie their excessiue lusts.

  45. But Eutropius the famous writer of the Romane histories, in the acts [Sidenote: The couetous practising of Carausius.

  46. But appeal is allowed to the magistrate, when the master "through any sinister end or couetous desire," witholds his consent.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couetous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.