Mælius distributes corn to the citizens, for which he is accused of wishing to be king, and is assassinated by Servilius Ahala.
Lælius and Masinissa, who had pursued the routed cavalry through a considerable space, returning very opportunely, charged the rear of the enemy's line.
The commissioners appointed to transplant the colony to Ardea were Agrippa Menenius, Titus Clælius Siculus, and Marcus Æbutius Elva.
See first book of Valerius Maximus; Julius Obsequens on Prodigies; and Discours Sacrés of Ælius Aristides.
For a time the Carthaginians resisted, but at length, when Masinissa and Lælius fell upon them from the rear with horsemen, they all fled.
In a campaign of the consul Ælius Pætus against the Gauls many perished on both sides in the stress of conflict and no advantage was achieved.
Scipio set Masinissa and Gaius Lælius to oppose Syphax while he himself marched against the Carthaginians.
By night the dictator had the knights occupy in advance the Capitol and the remaining points of vantage, and at dawn he sent to Mælius Gaius Servilius, master of the horse, to summon him pretendedly on some other errand.
Our worthy fellow-citizen, Ælius Flaccus, has dedicated his horses to Marnas, and the soothsayers have assured him of victory.
As that of Ælius Flaccus takes up its position, the Red faction through the circus rise, clap their hands, stamp with their feet, and cheer.
Now, for this year I am appointed to exhibit these races on the one side, and Ælius Flaccus, who is a worshipper of idols, on the other.
It was in vain that Ælius Flaccus stamped with rage, ground his teeth, and shook his fist at his own unfortunate driver, now creeping up towards the magistrates' seat.
There also are Italicus and Ælius Flaccus; but of the twenty or thirty persons who thus occupy the seats of honour, not more than three are of the Green faction.
Footnote: Cramer and Mikrælius make the same mistake.
A rumour to this effect reached even Avignon, where Lælius then was.
Not far I wander'd o'er the peopled field, Till Socrates and Lælius I beheld.
Such an appellation as Berzélius Nibbidard Paragot was worth a deal coffin and a mass or two.
She was still in his eyes all that is beautiful and exquisite in woman; but she was not the woman that Berzélius Nibbidard Paragot could love.
Who says that Berzélius Nibbidard Paragot can't make things grow?
Cher maître, permit me to present to you my friends Monsieur Berzélius Paragot and Monsieur Asticot.
His name is Berzélius Paragot, and he lives at No.
Asticot Pradel," said I, reflecting for the first time that though Polydore Pradel had perished and Berzélius Nibbidard Paragot reigned in his stead, my own borrowed or invented name remained unaltered.
Berzélius Nibbidard Paragot, Sir," said I so proudly that the lovely princess laughed.
Once he whimsically remarked that as he was half way between Gaston de Nérac and Berzélius Paragot, and therefore neither fish nor fowl, he could not find an appropriate hole in Paris.
After revolving in his mind several men of distinguished merit, whom he esteemed and hated, he adopted Ælius Verus a gay and voluptuous nobleman, recommended by uncommon beauty to the lover of Antinous.
The estimate which Cælius had made of him was true, after all, at least in military affairs.
Some of the commentators suppose that the thirty Satires of Lucilius were divided into two books, and that the first of these books, and not the first Satire only, was dedicated to Ælius Stilo.
As to the fact of Scipio and Lælius admitting him to their intimate friendship at so early an age, a parallel may be found in the case of Archias the poet.
Gerlach considers these words to have been addressed either to Valerius Soranus, or more probably to Ælius Stilo, whose judgment in literary matters was so highly thought of that even Q.
On which the commentator says, "That the three were on such intimate terms, that on one occasion Lælius was running round the sofas in the Triclinium, while Lucilius was chasing him with a twisted towel to hit him with.
The thirteenth Fragment also may refer to the same campaign; though Duentzer supposes it to be an allusion to the miserable penuriousness of Ælius Tubero.
This, according to Gerlach's view, is the answer of Lælius to some petulant questionings of an epicure.
Cælius was the name of the judge who acquitted the man on the charge of defamation, who had libeled Lucilius on the stage.
Besides, Scipio and Lælius were the most likely men to discover and to foster the early talent of the young poet.
But be sure Lælius observe your hair untouched by a comb, and your nostrils well covered with hair,[999] and your good brawny shoulders.
This Fragment, as well as 37 and 44, Gerlach supposes to have been addressed to Ælius Stilo.
This Lucius Verus was the son of the Ælius Verus already mentioned, who died prematurely.
He was preceded by Ælius Verus, whose original name had been L.
The third occupant of the imperial tomb was Antoninus Pius, who had been named by Hadrian as his successor after the disappointing death of Ælius Verus.
Lælius was said to have assisted Terence in the composition of his Plays, and in confirmation of this, the following story is told by Cornelius Nepos: “C.
He alludes to a report which had been spread, that his friends Lælius and Scipio had published their own compositions under his name.
During this dreadful conflagration, Vitel'lius was feasting in the palace of Tibe'rius, and beheld all the horrors of the assault with satisfaction.
As riches too generally prevail against right, Amu'lius made use of his wealth to supplant his brother, and soon found means to possess himself of the kingdom.
One Æ'lius La'ma was condemned and executed only for jesting, though there was neither novelty nor poignancy in his humour.
The senate was not ignorant of his speeches or his designs, and created Corne'lius Cossus dictator, with a view to curb the ambition of Man'lius.
Vitel'lius was declared emperor by the senate, and received the marks of distinction which were now accustomed to follow the appointments of the strongest side.
Otho departed from Rome with all haste to give Vitel'lius battle.
The guilt of Mæ'lius was never proved, and no arms were found when his house was searched.
Camil'lus, accordingly, being made one of the military tribunes, appointed Man'lius a day to answer for his life.
The ten books or chapters bear the full name of Apicius, never at any time does the name of Cœlius appear in the text, or at the head of the chapters.
It has been stated, too, that Cœlius had more than one collaborator.
Why should the mysterious Cœlius or Cælius, if such an author or compiler of a tome on cookery existed affix the name of "Apicius" to it?
Senate as to what provinces should be assigned to the two consuls, Lælius and L.
Lælius made the attack with the fleet from the seaside, while Scipio conducted the operations on land.
In his beautiful compositions, De Senectute and De Amicitiâ, Cato the censor and Lælius are respectively introduced, delivering their sentiments on those subjects.
Cölius also hastened to him, and the young theologian John Aurifaber, a friend of the two Counts who used to associate with Luther together with Jonas and Cölius.
The close friendship between Cicero and the young man Cælius was one of the singular details of the orator's life.
When he was in Cilicia, as Proconsul, this Cælius became almost a second Atticus to him, in the writing of news from Rome.
The rich father had, it seems, quarrelled with his son, and Cælius was in want of money.
He is grateful to Cælius as to what has been done as to the supplication, and expresses his confidence that all the rest will follow.
There is very much more of it, delightfully said, and in the same spirit; but I have given enough to show the nature of the excuse for Cælius which has brought down on Cicero the wrath of the moralists.
Of all that went on at Rome Cælius continued to send Cicero accounts.
In this letter to his young friend Cælius he speaks of the pleasure he had in meeting with Caninius at Athens; but in the letter to Marius which I have quoted he complains of the necessity which has befallen him of defending the man.
Cælius says that Pompey will not attack Cæsar openly, but that he does all he can to prevent Cæsar from being elected Consul before he shall have given up his province and his army.
The marvel to me is that Cælius should have adopted a style so near akin to that of his master in literature.
Cælius had entered public life very early, as the son of a rich citizen who was anxious that his heir should be enabled to shine as well by his father's wealth as by his own intellect.
Both he and Cælius harangued the people, and declared that Clodius had begun the fray.
Cælius implores him, for the sake of his children, to bear in mind what he is doing.
But Cælius had become one of Clodia's many lovers, and seems for a time to have been the first favorite, to the detriment of poor Catullus.
The younger Lælius was intimate with the younger Scipio in a degree almost as remarkable as his father had been with the elder.
And it is the more gratifying to me because scarcely in the history of the world are three or four pairs of friends mentioned by name; and I indulge in the hope that the friendship of Scipio and Lælius will be remembered.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lius" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.