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Example sentences for "little wood"

  • A little wood can be obtained at Scott's Bluffs; there is none on Horse Creek.

  • Road runs along the Platte to Plum Creek, where there is a little wood, with good grass and water.

  • Road is very hilly, and in some places sandy; passes Willow Spring, where there is grass and a little wood.

  • As I did go along a-following him after, I did have sees of the tracks of the comings and goings of little wood-folks.

  • His calling was to little wood-folk and me.

  • I did have seeing of little wood-folks going their ways.

  • All round a hedge upshoots, and shows At distance like a little wood.

  • I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood.

  • And all at once the distinct recollection came to him of an afternoon spent with her in a little wood on the banks of the river.

  • We could indistinctly see, through the darkness, the trees of a little wood on the left.

  • The Rio Tuy winds through districts covered with plantains, and a little wood of Hura crepitans, Erythrina corallodendron, and fig-trees with nymphaea leaves.

  • These succulent plants are from eight to ten feet high, and in Europe one of their groups would be considered as a little wood.

  • The window, which had a southern aspect, let in a flood of cheerful sunlight; all the view it afforded was a bit of hillside and a wheat field, edged by a little wood.

  • To their left was a range of hills that rose one above another as they receded from the road, and from the skirt of a little wood, far up on the mountain-side, he had seen a horseman emerge.

  • We emerged from a little wood, and at that moment the storm of shot and shell became terrific.

  • On the 3d of July, as we were bivouacked in a little wood, news came that the whole Rebel army in Vicksburg had prepared to surrender the next day, the Nation's jubilee day.

  • Here we left them in safety by a little wood, yet not knowing if we would ever see them again.

  • Finally we approached a little wood, and in a twinkling he turned into a path and was out of sight.

  • When the bridge was concluded we again began our advance, and entered a little wood, through which we straggled rather than marched.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little wood" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    little about; little blue; little broth; little butter and flour; little closer; little face; little farm; little fool; little friends; little girls; little honey; little husband; little ketchup; little library; little mother; little paper; little picture; little plant; little salt; little something; little space; little story; little strength; little talk; little volume; privately owned