On the right it was shaded by the aged lindens in the neighbour's garden, which must also have dated from the palmy days of the monastery.
The ancient St. John, whose bead is lying at his feet precisely as it was lying so many years ago, stands gray and tall among the lindens in the pasture near the village; they have reached Komaritz.
There was a dance beneath the lindens at the farm, where Herr Pontius whirled the peasant-girls around, and capered about like a very demon.
Over the largest of these, directly opposite the field, the branches of three oldlindens spread out.
Large lindens stood before the front door, and there too, but not on the wall side, seats were placed, as we have already seen.
Some spreading lindens cast their green shade upon the rich grassy soil, only intersected here and there by narrow paved paths.
In the evening the Ferber family were sitting in the shade of the lindens at the spring.
Two lindens arched their boughs above this gurgling brook, and threw their grateful shade upon the tender forget-me-nots, which grew here in masses in the damp earth and wreathed the little basin with their heavenly blue.
And above this little world of bloom and busy life several fruit trees and magnificent lindens waved their leafy crests, while upon a slight elevation were seen the remains of what had once been a pavilion.
Spake the hostess of Pohyola: "Let thy coming be auspicious To these halls of thee unworthy, To the home of thine affianced, To this dwelling lowly fashioned, Mid the lindens and the aspens.
That little alley of lindens yonder has a very charming appearance: it looks as if it might be cooler out there than here in this drawing-room.
He was in his hammock under the lindens on the terrace, when, about three o'clock, Elisabeth came to tell him that there was a lady at the house who wanted to see him.
They took two canvas chairs and seated themselves in the shade of the lindens over the running stream.
And that beautiful avenue of lindens in front is ours too?
Chamoureau left the house by the fine avenue of lindens of which he was so proud.
It's an idea that came into my head as I contemplated the magnificent lindens in our avenue.
The servants under the lindens became noisy and sang merry songs.
On the way thither Frank saw under the lindens a long table set with food and wine, and at it sat the servants.
Then he looked at the old lindens that stood near the house, whose trunks were protected from injury by iron railings.
They knew the Lindens turkeys, and as soon as they reached Lindens orchard on the hill the full flock charged at them.
It is lighted by a foot-square window, called Duck Window, that looks across to Little Lindens Farm, and the spot where Jack Cade was killed.
They perched themselves arow on the old hacked oak bench in Lindens garden, looking across the valley of the brook at the fern-covered dimples and hollows of the Forge behind Hobden's cottage.
Then they walked through the grass to the knoll where Little Lindens stands.
The leafless elms, the lindens and the oaks are trees of coral, the larches and pines mere shapes of snow shadowed out with a faint green hue beneath.
It has mostly melted off the tall lindens also, only leaving pieces here and there that look for all the world like a flock of strange big birds.
On the twenty-fifth the city had decided to give a May festival under the lindens in honour of the duke.
Her eyes sought him in vain-he had left the turf under the lindens before the close of the dance.
The minutes dragged on at a snail's pace while the lanterns on the lindens and poles, the torches, and pitch pans were lighted.
She had been two hours at the Lindens without having seen Captain George.
Besides its tiny lawn and flower-beds in front, theLindens had a long stretch of garden ground behind, otherwise the Major would scarcely have been happy in his new home.
The wind was playing over the dark fields, and noisily rocking the naked crests of the birches and lindens which surrounded Lutchinoff's house.
The beautiful sounds were wafted far, far away, and for a long time they quivered, growing fainter and dying out beneath the lindens of the garden and in the fields behind me, and everywhere.
Straight paths came together exactly in the centre, in a circular flower-bed, thickly overgrown with asters; tall lindens surrounded it in an even border.
The Parterre des Reservoirs became the Parterre du Nord, and an alley of four rows of lindens enclosed the park on all sides.
Entrance from the precincts of the palace is by the great ornamental iron gateway known as the Grille Royale, from which an alleyed row of lindens leads to the heart of the forest.
Two great avenues were cut through the parterre, and, as if fearing indiscretions on the part of his entourage, the emperor caused to be planted long rows of lindens and tulip trees, which were again masked by two rows of poplars.
Before the admirably grouped lindens was a boathouse, and off in every direction ran alleys of acacias, while here and there tulip beds, rose gardens and hedges of rhododendrons flanked the very considerable ornamental waters.
By that time it was nearing the supper hour and there was a rustling in the leaves of the lindens and the air was cooler.
Do you know that the man with whom I had a personal encounter Under the Lindens a few days ago was this very man!
From the Lindens others came who wished to go down that passage.
The old people in the mountains plant lindens to purify the forest, and to do away with the spells that come from the old trees they say have lasted from heathen times.
I fancy it will be a love of a place in summer, Sylva, when all the maples and lindens are in leaf, and the numerous gardens in flower.
Whole parterres of brilliant flowers loaded the air with fragrance, and nightingales sang among the boughs of the lindens that waved against the wrought-iron palings of the terraces.
I not go out soon into the garden, and down to the seat under the lindens by the river?
He went out into the garden, and down to the seat under the lindens by the river.
On the pebbly path that led down from the splashing fountain to the lindens by the river, Fani and Elsli scampered back and forth, drinking in the fragrant air.
Ancient plane trees arched over shady nooks with lindens and elms forcing themselves between.
But three or four wide-spreading ancient lindens surrounded the inn, and the white benches beneath offered pleasant seats according with Lilly's and Konrad's mood.
Hidden between the village lindens crouched crumbling stone posts to which the decaying fence pales clung with difficulty.
It was near the close of day, and Sebastian sat outside the door of his dwelling, surrounded by his family, under the stately lindens that shaded the avenue leading to the old Thomas's school.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lindens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.