Both the dwarf Limas and pole Limas require a longer season in which to mature than the bush beans, and only one planting is usually made.
The bush sorts may be planted in the open ground, and limas in pots or sods in a coldframe or spent hotbed.
Dwarf Limas are much more desirable for small gardens than the pole varieties, as they may be planted much closer, the bother of procuring poles or twine is avoided, and the garden will have a more sightly appearance.
For the bush varieties, allow 2 feet between the drill-rows, but for the dwarf Limas 2-1/2 feet is better.
Limas are the richest of beans, but they often fail to mature in the northern states.
Pole Limas are usually planted in hills 2 to 3 feet apart in the rows.
Limas may be started on sods in a hotbed or a coldframe towards the last of the month.
Beans of all kinds can be planted, limas especially.
Limas require a long season to mature, and should be started early.
Of the dwarf limas there is a new variety which is destined, I think, to become the leader of the half-dozen other good sorts to be had.
The dwarf limas should not be planted until ten to fourteen days later than the early sorts.
Limas are the richest of Beans, but they often fail to mature in the northern states.
Dwarf Limas are much more desirable for small gardens than the pole varieties, as they may be planted much closer, the bother of procuring poles and twine is avoided, and the garden will have a more sightly appearance.
Both the dwarf Limas and pole Limas require a longer season in which to mature than the bush varieties, and only one planting is usually made.
She cantered away from the Casa de Limas on her pinto without taking the Baileys into her confidence, and at sundown careened in at the gate in a battered touring car, the bewildered pony following on a rope behind.
Here the limas is set adrift, and the water underneath it scooped up and carried home, where it is used for bathing the sick man.
Another form of "propitiation" (buang-buangan limas) ceremony consists in loading a limas with the offerings.
The limas is a receptacle of about a span (sa-jengkal) in length, made of banana-leaf folded together at the ends and skewered with a bamboo pin.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "limas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.