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Example sentences for "likest"

Lexicographically close words:
likening; likens; liker; likerous; likes; liket; liketh; likeways; likewise; likewyse
  1. Ne can I tell, ne can I stay to tell 2 This parts great workmanship, and wondrous powre, That all this other worlds worke doth excell, 4 And likest is vnto that heauenly towre, That God hath built for his owne blessed bowre.

  2. This mighty monarch had a son yclept Sharrkan,[FN#143] who was likest of all men to his father and who proved himself one of the prodigies of his time for subduing the brave and bringing his contemporaries to bane and ban.

  3. Why then do we not recognize this the chief homogenic substance of the earth, likest of substances to its inner nature and closest allied to its very marrow?

  4. But the best Iris is that which representeth the greatest circles upon the wall, and those which bee likest unto rainebowes indeed.

  5. The young lady did as she was bidden and showed likest to the Shalabi's wife who lastly served her with what remained of the meat and said to her, "Up with thee and hie thee home.

  6. By Allah, this statue is likest to her in stature and size and, by the Almighty, if I can only lay my hand upon her and seize her I will slaughter her even as one cutteth a mutton's throat.

  7. Tell me who is likest this, Poussin or Turner?

  8. Nature is always mysterious and secret in the use of her means; and art is always likest her when it is most inexplicable.

  9. Thou likest broad pieces and a creditable name,--go to London and be a trader.

  10. A strange comment this on the Andrew Wilson formula, that we should eat "that which is likest to our own composition!

  11. But by dwelling with Him one of them, at least, had become of all the group the likest his Master.

  12. Or likest hovering dreams, The fickle pensioners of Morpheus' train.

  13. Ahmad the Calamity replied, "At the make of yonder boy Aslan, for he is the likest of human creatures to Ala al-Din Abu al-Shamat.

  14. So he gave him one that was likest of men to Ala al-Din Abu al-Shamat; and they covered his head and carried him to the place of execution between Ahmad al-Danaf and Ali al-Zaybak of Cairo.

  15. On another occasion:-- The golden Sun in splendour likest Heaven Allured his eye.

  16. Strode he angrily; from the eyes of him glimmered A lustre unlovely likest to fire.

  17. He had a son called Sherkan, who was one of the prodigies of the age and the likest of all men to his father, who loved him with an exceeding love and had appointed him to be king after him.

  18. A voice speaks to him from the hollow wind, "Warrior of the Lenni Lenape, how likest thou the land which I place before thee?

  19. If thou wilt live crippled, and bowed down by wounds and disease, thou mayest; if thou better likest to rejoin thy friends in the country beyond the Great River, say so.

  20. I ask thee how it looks, and how thou likest it, suppose there were no guilt or punishment to attend thy love to, or commission of it?

  21. Men love those children that are likest them most usually; so does God his children, therefore they are called the children of God; but others do not look like him, therefore they are called Sodomites.

  22. Marry, Master Schoolmaster, he that is likest to a hogshead.

  23. Lastly, consider whether this be not the likest state to heaven, and therefore have not in it the most of christian excellency and perfection?

  24. That religion is likest to be of God which is most charitable, and not that which is most uncharitable, and malicious, and like to Satan.

  25. And therefore a choir of holy persons, melodiously singing the praises of Jehovah, are likest to the angelical society, Psal.

  26. She drew my heart by what in me was likest herself, and I loved her as one who, grow to what perfection she might, could only become the more a child.

  27. The dream best dreamed is the likest to the waking truth!

  28. Which of all the people you love do you see likest a fish now?

  29. My reader may say he was worse, for there is the stealing; but that is just the point in which I see him likest the common run of men, while in his home relations he was worse.

  30. Sport thou with him as thou likest during the day, O thou that art endued with the speed of the mind!

  31. Hast thou another lover, To make the time pass over, Whom thou likest more than me?

  32. If thou likest him more than me, I'll travel away from thee, I'll travel away from thee.

  33. She would imply that human power and sovereignty are then noblest and likest God's when they remit penalties and restore wanderers.

  34. God's strength is gentle strength, and ours is likest His when it is meek and lowly, like that of the 'strong Son of God.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "likest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.