Tis said: If thou the love of the world for thyself wouldst gain, mould thy breast Liker the world to become, for its like the world loveth best; and this was not I then.
For with this constant foolishness he doeth, He, waxing liker to what he pursueth, Himself becometh what he chased in vain!
If you want to grow purer and liker Christ, you must slay yourselves.
Are you built on the Foundation, and from the Foundation do you derive a life which is daily bringing you nearer to Him, and making you liker Him?
That God's glory is His only motive may be so stated as to mean nearly an Almighty Selfishness, which is far liker the devil than God.
Does not all such sorrow hallow, ennoble, refine, purify the sufferer, and make him liker his God?
It comes to be a solemn question for each of us whether we can say, 'To-day I am liker Jesus Christ than I was yesterday; to-day the truth which renews the mind has a deeper hold upon me than it ever had before.
If we keep ourselves near Christ, and if by keeping ourselves near Him, we are becoming day by day liker Him, then we may have calm confidence that He will perfect that which concerns us.
If the wise and prudent were more of both, they would be liker the babes to whom these things are revealed, and they would be revealed to them too.
If so, then were you not as sound and able to judge, and liker to be in the right than you are now.
Am not I liker to know your case, who have seen so many score in that case, than you are that never knew it in any but yourself?
We must love the glorified saints more than the inhabitants of this lower world, because they are far better, and liker to God, and nearer to him, and more demonstrate his holiness and glory.
The turbulent wranglers that are quarrelling with others, and are religious contentiously, in envy and strife, are liker to be corrected or ejected, than to be edified.
Do you think that poverty, or riches, are liker to make a man loth to die?
And what men are liker to know what they talk of, than such as speak from their own experience?
It is a heape of stones and men, with a vast confusion of languages; and, were the steeple not sanctified, nothing liker Babel.
Th' right eye's no liker to the left, than he To my good neighbour.
If you know any near you, who are much fitter than yourselves, and liker to prevail, procure them to attempt that which you cannot do successfully.
It is not an ugly shape in which a painter doth represent the devil, which showeth us his ugliness indeed: an enemy of godliness is liker to him than that picture: it is his sinfulness against God, which is his true deformity.
I never tasted as much nor ett as little; I never heard sich high-class conversation nor felt liker a nap; I never sat on safter chairs nor looked liker a martyr on tin tacks.
My bed was euer to thy sonne as true As thine was to thy husband, and this boy Liker in feature to his father Geffrey Then thou and Iohn, in manners being as like, As raine to water, or deuill to his damme; My boy a bastard?
He shouted out something which was liker “cutlery” than anything else, and was received as such amid our rapturous applause.
Nothing could be liker him than the interjection, “as is most meet.
A praying servant may prevail with God, for more than all their labour cometh to; and their labours are liker to be blessed, than the labours of a prayerless, ungodly person.
Feyther's liker me, and we talk a deal o' rubble; but mother's words are liker to hewn stone.
Reason, immortality, love, and faith, are things liker God than ever so many cubic feet of granite, than ever so many loads of timber.
If the house was to be turned into an hospital for sick trampers and their trulls, why every servant would quit a place liker a jail than a gentleman's.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.