A certain percentage is levied on the price of the goods at the port of shipment in a foreign country.
Billions of dollars have been levied by the collection of protective duties from the beginning of the government to the present day.
Yet there is no trace of Latin cohorts in Caesar's Gallic army; on the contrary according to his express statements all the recruits levied by him in Cisalpine Gaul were added to the legions or distributed into legions.
A special tax was levied on the counties of Devon and Cornwall for the siege of Lundy and the defence of their maritime ports, but it does not seem that Sir William was ever dispossessed.
But if the tax be levied to keep up the strength of the army, you say it is a necessary evil.
However, all my servants turned out ill; they robbed me continually, and levied a tax on all their purchases.
How the land which had paid taxes once, was to pay them a second time, how imposts could be levied without commerce, or commerce continued without money, it was not his custom to inquire.
Of the pecuniary assistance proposed, she remarks, that no prince ever made war to oblige another to take money, and that the contributions already levied in Silesia exceed the two millions, offered as its purchase.
Latterly Jung Bahadur levied a force of 6000 of them, who were cantoned at Katmandoo, where the cholera breaking out, carried off some hundreds, causing many families who dreaded conscription to flock to Dorjiling.
Hence cattle (buffalos and the common humped cow of India) are driven from the banks of the Ganges 300 miles to these feeding grounds, for the use of which a trifling tax is levied on each animal.
It involved, also, for the future continued investment of funds in the Western Development Company, and the payment of assessments which might be levied upon Southern Pacific stock.
No part of this burden was borne by the second mortgage bonds held by Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins, and Crocker, nor was any assessment levied upon the company’s stock.
The Union Pacific for instance, at one time paid a head tax which Wyoming levied on all sheep brought into that state.
Fines were levied by the League on recalcitrant members.
None of the war taxes, except that on cotton, was levied upon the crops of 1866, but while these taxes lasted, they seriously impeded the resumption of trade.
Nor are there any poor-laws griping the industrious husbandman and labourer, to feed the lazy, and to feast those who have the care of them; no paupers of any description, supported from funds that have been levied on the public.
The import and export duties, which by the law of the country ought to be levied ad valorem, are arbitrarily fixed according to the fancy of the collector.
This party controlled Congress when it levied heavy protective duties and stimulated manufacturing in American as the basis of that financial strength which proved during the civil war a marvel to the world.
In Georgia, for example, a State tax of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars was levied in the first year of peace.
So take patience and be not hasty; for verily the report is spread abroad, among the people of the palace and all the folk of the city, how the Vizier Dendan hath levied troops from all countries and is on his way hither to make Kanmakan king.
Indeed, it has come to my knowledge that he hath levied an army in the provinces and goeth about to make Kanmakan king, for that the kingdom was his father's and his grandfather's before him, and he will surely slay me without mercy.
In order to convince them of the justice of his pretensions, Charles levied a force almost as efficient as his army of the preceding summer, and fell upon Guelders.
The aide was granted, indeed, but it was levied with sullen reluctance.
A small force was levied for him within the Netherlands, and he started for Paris where he hoped to meet contingents from the two Burgundies and his brother peers of France with their own troops.
They declared that they had levied troops and would levy more, for defence, but that the four members of Flanders were agreed that they would contribute nothing to offensive measures.
Murder is sometimes taken in its present acceptation; sometimes it means a certain fine levied on the inhabitants where murder had been committed.
The fact that a tax is levied upon signs keeps all but the most prominent vendors from exhibiting one.
It consisted of three pence (deniers) on each hogs-head of wine imported into the city, and was levied every three years in the capital.
He even levied a body of troops to re-enforce the royalist army.
From each of the senators he levied a fixed number of slaves and a weight of silver.
A legion levied from the marines[147] was sent after them.
In this case, however, too much was expected from a mostly newly-levied force, exposed to the attack of Honan braves and Tartar troops, the best forces in the service of the Manchoo emperor.
The Polonians have oftentimes levied war against their kings: and we are furnished by Clark in his Martyrol.
It was this which brought the Cantons of Helvetia into this state of freedom, wherein they have continued many years: for, about the year 1260, they levied war against their oppressing nobles.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "levied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.