Sidenote: A beneuolence put into the kings head to be leuied ouer the whole land.
In Iuly this yeere was a prest leuied for the king in the citie of London, of foure thousand pounds, which was repaied the yeare next following.
King Henrie hearing this, and hauing no mistrust in the promise of Maximilian, with all speed leuied an armie, and rigged his nauie of ships.
Diuerse there were, that thought it not good that such summes of monie shuld be leuied of the kings subiects, and the same togither with an armie of men to be committed vnto the guiding of a prelat vnskilfull in warlike affaires.
In the same parlement was granted to the king a subsidie, to be leuied of the great men of the land.
There was granted to the king in this parlement, a tenth to be leuied of the clergie, and a fiftéenth of the laitie.
And further, that they should neuer yéeld to anie tax to be leuied on the realme, except a fiftéenth onelie.
Duryng all thys tyme Galienus, lyued in hys delyghtes at Myllan, wythout care or thoughte of the Common wealth, consumynge in his wylfull vices, the Money that was leuied for the men of war.
He caused indeed eight markes of siluer to be leuied of euerie port or hauen in England, to the reteining of 16 ships furnished with men of warre, which continued euer in readinesse to defend the coasts from pirats.
This monie was called Danegilt or Dane monie, and was leuied of the people.
A plague vpon that Villaine Somerset, That thus delayes my promised supply Of horsemen, that were leuied for this siege.
And Yorke as fast vpon your Grace exclaimes, Swearing that you with-hold hisleuied hoast, Collected for this expidition Som.
Also there were other such armiesleuied in England.
Mariners to be leuied at Hamburgh, Breme, Emden, and at other places.
Trust to thy single vertue, for thy Souldiers All leuied in my name, haue in my name Tooke their discharge Regan.
Ely with Richmond troubles me more neere, Then Buckingham and his rash leuied Strength.
From France to England, neuer such a powre For any forraigne preparation, Was leuied in the body of a land.
Then heleuied an armie of chosen and piked men, and marched to the Campe at Ardea, committing the gouernemente of the Citie to Lucretius, who before was by the king appointed Lieutenant.
Let vs now leaue the Duchesse to liue in honor with her brother, and retorne we to the Lorde of Mendozza, who being arriued nere vnto his Citie, vnderstode incontinently that they which had besiedged it had leuied their campe.
France hauingleuied an armie, brake into Normandie, and tooke the citie of Eureux, the towne of Arques, and diuerse other places from the English.
King John also came ouer from Normandie into England, and there leuied a subsidie, taking of euerie ploughland three shillings.
For the king of England hauing leuied a power of archers, and other men of warre, sent them ouer vnder the leading of his sonne the duke of Lancaster.
The king of England in deed hearing of the preparation made for warre by the Frenchmen, leuied foure thousand men which he sent vnto Calis, and to the sea, of the which 3000 were vnder the conduct of the kings sonne.
But the king neuerthelesse so vsed the matter with the bishops for their good wils, [Sidenote: A tenth leuied of the cleargie.
Swaine hauing now got the whole rule of the land, was reputed full king, and so commanded that his armie should be prouided of wages and vittels to be taken vp & leuied through the realme.
He caused indeed eight markes of siluer to be leuied of [Sidenote: A nauie in a readinesse.
The freends of the bishop of Lincolne found means, that the shiriffe of the shire leuied and tooke the fift part of all his goods, and restored to him againe his lands and possessions.
The archbishop of Canturburie being found stiffe in the matter, the king seized all his lands, and commanded all such debts as were found of his in the rolles of the excheker, to beleuied with all speed of his goods and cattell.
In the meane time the king leuied a great summe of monie of the prelats of his land towards his iournie into France: he had also a great releefe of the citizens of London.
At this time also, Edmund the archbishop of Canturburie greatlie disalowed the often exactions and subsidies which the legat caused dailie to be leuied of the English clergie.
In this season the king sent his iustices itinerants in circuit about the land, the which vnder pretext of iustice punished manie persons, and so leuiedgreat summes of monie to the kings vse.
The same time also, the tenth part of all the mooueable goods thorough the realme of England was leuied to the aid of the warres in the holie land.
The same yeare, Geffrey earle of Britaine by his fathers commandement leuied an armie, and passing ouer into Britaine, wasted the lands of Guidomer de Leons, and constreined him to submit himselfe vnto him.
Herewith also he leuied a great armie both of horssemen and footmen, and came forward with the same vnto Penbroke, and so when all his prouision and ships were readie, [Sidenote: Milford hauen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leuied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.