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Example sentences for "lengthens"

Lexicographically close words:
length; lengthe; lengthen; lengthened; lengthening; lengthily; lengths; lengthways; lengthwise; lengthy
  1. But in several the vegetation lengthens into an axis (as in Fig.

  2. In germination the whole lengthens (but mainly the cotyledon) only enough to push the proximate end fairly out of the seed; from this end the root is formed, and from a little higher the plumule later emerges.

  3. It is not the caulicle; for this lengthens hardly any.

  4. Nothing would be gained by elevating them, as they never grow out into efficient leaves; but the joint of stem belonging to the plumule lengthens well, carrying up its pair of real foliage-leaves.

  5. When placed on the smooth wood of my table, the animal wriggles slowly; it lengthens and shortens without advancing by a hair's-breadth.

  6. It is not enough to add a piece which lengthens it as the body grows longer; we must also see that it has sufficient fulness not to hamper the wearer and to give him liberty of movement.

  7. They tell us that as a general rule the Scarites lengthens the period of his lifeless posture the oftener the experiment is repeated.

  8. I can quite well see how the grub lengthens and enlarges it; but I cannot imagine how it begins it.

  9. Then with his abdomen, which he lengthens as much as possible, he energetically slaps that of the female, on the right side and the left by turns.

  10. As the stem lengthens the seed-leaves are lifted up above the ground along with the embryo.

  11. Thus the stem lengthens and leaves keep coming, the little growing tip at the end of the stem always pushing upward.

  12. The little growing tip lengthens into a stem from which a leaf is seen unfolding.

  13. As the flowers expand the stalk lengthens considerably, with the result that the fruits are very distant.

  14. During the flowering stage the spike is very short, but as the fruits ripen it lengthens out to about an inch and a half or two inches.

  15. As the fruit ripens the cluster of carpels lengthens into a slender spike from an inch to an inch and a half long.

  16. As the fruit ripens, the peduncle lengthens and bends downward.

  17. It lengthens legs because they are used in supporting the body, and shortens arms because they are used in pulling.

  18. As long as Heauen and Nature lengthens it Qu.

  19. It was: what sadnes lengthens Romeo's houres?

  20. This movement of the left hand up or down shortens or lengthens the near lead-rein.

  21. But when the Jock comes to steeplechasing, he lengthens his stirrup leather and rides like a man.

  22. In a word, knowledge of the opposing religion, and especially of alien language, literature and ways of feeling and thinking, lengthens missionary life.

  23. Not only the days, but life itself lengthens in summer.

  24. You see it first long, as it is at an angle; then overhead it shortens, and again lengthens after it has passed, somewhat like the spoke of a wheel.

  25. Every time a man laffs harty, he takes a kink out ov the chain that binds him to life, and thus lengthens it.

  26. To the lower end of the string a small weight is attached, and this rises and falls by the side of a graduated scale as the moisture or dryness of the air shortens or lengthens the string.

  27. In this case the figures are held on a kind of lever sustained by catgut: this, being very sensitive to moisture, twists and shortens on damp days, and untwists and lengthens as the air becomes dry and light.

  28. As long as heaven and nature lengthens it.

  29. Therefore they thought it good you hear a play And frame your mind to mirth and merriment, Which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life.

  30. The flower-growing day lengthens out beyond the sunset, and till the hedges are dim the lapwings do not cease.

  31. It is incredible how an orderly division of the day gives apparent rapidity to the wings of time, while a stated devotion of the hour to its employment really lengthens life.

  32. It lengthens its neck, and turns round its head, so that the beak points down the back.

  33. If one nightingale has the talent of dwelling agreeably on his notes, another utters his with peculiar brilliancy, a third lengthens out his strain in a particular manner, and a fourth excels in the silveriness of his voice.

  34. The fawn, towards autumn, loses its spots; and the hair becomes grayish, and lengthens in the winter.

  35. This coat gradually lengthens until it comes again to the gray.

  36. What pictures yet slumber unborn in his loom Till their warriors shall breathe and their beauties shall bloom, While the tapestry lengthens the life-glowing dyes That caught from our sunsets the stain of their skies!

  37. I announce at this table an axiom not to be found in Montesquieu or the journals of Congress:- The race that shortens its weapons lengthens its boundaries.

  38. The stride of St. Luc lengthens and as it lengthens so must those of all the rest.

  39. Polak says the morphine shortens the first stage of labor by softening the cervix, but that the treatment lengthens the second stage.

  40. Hair often lengthens after the death of a person, if no embalming fluid has been injected.

  41. Winding its dark-green wood and emerald glade, The still vale lengthens underneath the shade; While in soft gloom the scattering bowers recede, Green dewy lights adorn the freshened mead, 1815.

  42. In other words, the time of axial revolution is shortest at the equator and lengthens with increase of latitude.

  43. In the one case, the vibrating body pursues and crowds together the waves emanating from it; in the other, it retreats from them, and so lengthens out the space covered by an identical number.

  44. For example, boron lengthens the red end of the spectrum relatively to the blue; while fluorine, potassium, and sodium have the opposite effect.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lengthens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.