When the tide is just right it softens up and boils.
Trout tackle and trout flies are just right, on hooks Nos.
When the wind is just right, or when the current is strong enough and the wind not contrary, it is a good plan to allow the boat to drift while casting.
All the conditions seemed to be just right, and they responded eagerly to the coachman and oriole at first, but at the approach of dusk they preferred the dusty miller and gray hackle.
Have we a just right to call them deacons when the Word does not call them so?
Of one thing I am sure: No one will ever have a just right to boast of his own goodness, or lay claim to preferment on the score of his own obedience.
But, according to all just laws, the one in whose service we labor is the one to whom we have a just right to look for our pay.
Yes; either in the meantime or just right at that time.
But, at the time I called him he didn't remember me just right quick.
And then, too, there was what Father had said about keeping at what you were doing until you got it just right.
And not then unless the weather happens to be just right," added Dorothy.
Sometimes it's a blow to see where your favourite authors lived, but Washington Irving's dear old Dutch house is just right.
I wasn't certain I got it just right, but did my best to put a confident ring into my voice, which is half the battle when you're not sure of yourself.
We got up early and Jack sported a shocking old suit of knickerbockers, just right for an up-to-date cave man.
It's a medical term, but I don't know as he got it just right.
The old lady has spells, as I told you, when she ain't just right in her head.
It is a physician's visiting list, just right to carry in my side pocket and I am just beginning in it, having packed up and sent off my diary up to this date.
The best thing is an immense cornfield right beside us, and the corn is just right to roast or boil.
The sun rose clear this morning, and the air is just right.
It was only two layers, but the layers were of the most exquisitely textured angel food, which had, after three attempts, graciously consented to turn out "just right.
Say, Sam, I want this coffee to be just right, and I wish you'd make it.
When sour enough to be 'just right' the barrels should be filled as full as possible and tightly corked or the sourness may disappear.
To be just right a bantam ought not to weigh much over a pound, the cock should be impetuous, pugnacious, and haughty; the hen should be smaller than her lord, and meek in demeanour except when her flock is in danger.
If you don't say this is just right I'll never make you another as long as I live.
I shall depend on you and the girls to help me keep the thing balanced, and going on just right.
A woman's dress, of course, takes more time; there's a good deal more to do and every little thing has to be just right.
You are to do just right, Jim, and nobody knows how that is to be done better than you do.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just right" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.