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Example sentences for "layered"

Lexicographically close words:
layd; layde; laye; layed; layer; layering; layers; layes; layest; layeth
  1. The growing cane is layered in mid-summer, usually by serpentine layering.

  2. Stronger plants are usually obtained by layers, and the English varieties are nearly always layered in this country.

  3. If rapid multiplication is desired, the soft and growing shoots may be layered during the summer.

  4. Hardy shrubs may be layered in the fall, either early or late, and if an incision is made, a callus will have formed by spring.

  5. Many plants "bleed" if layered earlier in the season.

  6. The ripe wood or canes may be layered either in fall or spring, but spring is usually chosen.

  7. Only a part of the canes are layered from any stool, a part being allowed to grow for cutting back the next fall in order to get another crop of canes.

  8. These canes are then layered the succeeding fall or spring.

  9. Layered plants are usually set in nursery rows for a year after removal from the stools.

  10. Between and around the eggs the nuclei gradually arrange themselves into one-layered follicles, which are attached, not to the wall of the tube, but to the eggs, and travel downwards with them.

  11. Strawberries may be set, and pot-layered plants, if wanted to bear a full crop the following season, should be put in by the Thin out and bag grapes.

  12. The new plants are layered in pots, as described above.

  13. Villiforms: The smallest hairs in the three-layered pelage.

  14. Aristiforms: The most conspicuously developed hairs in a three-layered pelage or the corresponding hairs in a simpler pelage.

  15. If plants are required for new beds, only the required number should be allowed to grow, and these may be layered in pots as recommended in July.

  16. Strawberry plants that have been layered in pots may yet be planted, or in southern districts the ordinary ground layers may be planted.

  17. Vines on arbors, in greenhouses, or on sides of buildings are easily layered in boxes or pots of soil.

  18. Layered plants from green wood are sometimes grown to multiply quickly new or rare varieties.

  19. Thus, dormant wood may be layered in the fall, in which case the cane is usually notched or ringed at the joint to induce the formation of roots.

  20. The most forceful culture possible must be given summer-layered plants after the separation from the parent vine.

  21. The vines to be layered are severely cut back a year or more before the layering is to be done to induce a vigorous growth of canes.

  22. See that the shoot does not throw up suckers behind the layered part.

  23. The layered spot was watered from time to time.

  24. See that the layered part rests in moist earth.

  25. Finally, we must point out, as a fact of the utmost importance for our anthropogeny and of great general interest, that the four-layered coelomula of man has just the same construction as that of the rabbit (Figure 1.

  26. This is made up of several strata of cells, but it spreads over the yelk-ball, and thus becomes a one-layered blastula.

  27. In both cases a discoid gastrula with primitive streak arises from the segmented ovum, a two-layered germinal disk with long and small hinder primitive mouth.

  28. The blastoderm is already for the most part two-layered (b).

  29. The germinal layers form from the first closed tubes, the one-layered blastula being converted into the two-layered gastrula by invagination.

  30. The cell circulation is quite a different affair, and can be conducted in either direction, as every gardener knows who has ever layered a plant, or set a cutting upside down.

  31. The layered branch is then taken up and the several plants are separated, when it will be found that the best roots are chiefly from the lower joints of the new wood, rather than from the old canes that were laid down in the spring.

  32. A cross-section through the middle of the embryo at this stage will show this central cavity surrounded by a two-layered body-wall (H.

  33. The derivation of both arthropod and vertebrate from such a single-layered animal is perfectly conceivable, even though the gut of the latter is not homologous with the gut of the former.

  34. The spacious grounds were dotted with evergreens and shrubs, so layered with snow that they resembled scraggly ghosts.

  35. Beyond the barrier, starlight revealed a cluster of rounding tombstones layered with white.

  36. In the resulting one-layered plate of cells the nuclei had relative positions quite different from the normal.

  37. The neonuclear explosive hit home with a violence that even the emptiness of Space could not diffuse, penetrating seven of the Carrier's sixteen layered shields.

  38. Always slender and taut, they now looked almost famished, layered rope wrapped stranding and twine after strand into nothingness.

  39. Those of his soldiers who looked behind them saw the lesser ridge at its distance appear to grow, layered with the ghost image of a high, terraced precipice, with statued spires rising from its base.

  40. A somewhat saucer-shaped one-layered blastoderm is then formed, which soon becomes thickened in the centre and then divided into two layers.

  41. The first stages occur in the ovary, and the larva is dehisced into the body cavity as a two-layered ciliated planula.

  42. The most typical mode of development of the Hydroidea is that in which the segmentation leads directly to the formation of a free ciliated two-layered larva, known since Dalyell's observations as a planula.

  43. The segmentation and formation of a two-layered planula (fig.

  44. An invagination takes place, in the course of which the hypoblast becomes enclosed by the epiblast, and a somewhat cylindrical two-layered gastrula is formed.

  45. For some time the larva remains in the two-layered condition, but gradually canals (?

  46. The planula, as it most frequently occurs, is a two-layered ciliated nearly cylindrical organism, with at most a rudimentary digestive cavity hollowed out in the inner layer, and as a rule no mouth.

  47. A two-layered hemisphere is thus established which soon elongates, while its opening narrows to a small pore (fig.

  48. This folding results in the formation of a remarkably constituted gastrula, which has the form of a hollow two-layered cylinder with an incompletely closed slit on one side (fig.

  49. In both of these forms the segmentation results in the formation of an elongated two-layered ciliated planula, without a central cavity.

  50. In all the Siphonophora, so far observed, the starting point for further development is a typical ciliated two-layered planula.

  51. We conclude that the animal kingdom appeared first as Protozoa, then as living cell-aggregates or compound protozoans, then as gastrula or two-layered sacs with oral opening.

  52. The cell-aggregate then differentiates into layers, and forms, in fact, a two-layered sac called a gastrula.

  53. It was pressed down and layered in the soil beneath; when lo!

  54. A characteristic feature of sedimentary deposits is a layered structure known as bedding or stratification.

  55. The type of these usually chosen is Hydra, a two-layered animal, which is further described on p.

  56. Diagrammatic representation of a typical Gastrula, or two-layered larval form, highly magnified; optical section, longitudinal.

  57. And when they find it assuming a two-layered form, they say, "Its ancestors were two-layered creatures.

  58. So certain are zoologists of the existence of an ancestral two-layered form, the parent at once of the existing Coelenterata and of the higher forms, that Professor Haeckel has given it a special name--Gastraea.

  59. Firstly, the description of them as two-layered Animals is one that only applies typically and to the simpler forms.

  60. We have seen that our story began with the One-celled Animals, and went on with the tale of the Two-layered Animals, in which each layer was built up by cells in partnership.

  61. The development of the Lancelet presents us with an instance of the two-layered larva, or Gastrula.

  62. The Sea-Urchins possess a swimming larval stage, which goes through remarkable changes after passing out of the two-layered (Gastrula) form.

  63. The two-layered body of Hydra encloses a hollow digestive space; from this the Coelenterata receive their name, which means "possessing a hollow space only, by way of intestines.

  64. It is first a one-layered larva, then a two-layered form, and then becomes a ciliated animal.

  65. They are often classed with the Coelenterata, because, among other reasons, they practically belong to the two-layered type of structure, and because they form a complex organism that may almost be called a colony.

  66. By the way, the layered arrangement of this dish is typically Hawaiian; don't stir or mix the ingredients.

  67. Layered pastas and pizza come from the South.

  68. It takes an electron microscope to see the flat, layered structures of clay molecules.

  69. As mixtures of manure and bedding were brought out from the cattle shed they were thinly layered atop thin layers of mixed vegetation brought in from the dried reserves heaped up adjacent to the compost factory.

  70. Their layered fracture planes mimic the molecules from which they were made.

  71. All these forms of vegetation were thinly layered as they were received so that the dry storage stacks became thoroughly mixed.

  72. At first hardly projecting beyond the greater curvature, it increases in length until it forms a four-layered apron which hangs down as a loose sac over the transverse colon and the coils of the small intestine (Fig.

  73. It will be observed that the great omentum is made up of four peritoneal layers, the folding of the double-layered mesogastrium naturally producing this result.

  74. In this stage we can speak of the double-layered membrane attaching the tube to the dorsal body wall and carrying the intestinal blood-vessels as the primitive dorsal mesentery.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "layered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.