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Example sentences for "killings"

Lexicographically close words:
killest; killeth; killin; killing; killingly; kills; killt; killum; kiln; kilns
  1. Chief among these are mass killings of countless human beings in cold blood.

  2. Beatings, starvings, tortures, and killings were routine—so routine that the tormentors became blasé and careless.

  3. AMEN: And subsequent to this conference did you learn whether an order was issued with respect to having these killings take place outside the sight of the German troops?

  4. AMEN: Was there a conversation at this conference about the manner in which these orders for the killings were being executed?

  5. Nikitchenko): At which other meetings had orders been given about killings of Ukrainians and burning of towns and villages in Galicia?

  6. Were there any meetings of the High Command headquarters about killings and ill-treatment of prisoners of war?

  7. There had been too many killings already, he asserted in his naïve way; the sooner Al Woodruff was locked up, the safer the country would be.

  8. Killings such as her father heard of with his lips drawn tight and the cords standing out on the sides of his skinny neck she would have considered the grim tragedies they were, without once thinking of the "picture value" of the crime.

  9. He said:[144] How may the killings on the Pottawatomie, this terrible violation of the statute and the moral laws, be justified?

  10. How may the killings on the Pottawatomie, this terrible violation of the statute and the moral law be justified?

  11. In a democratic country, not one self-respecting military expert would agree to prepare plans for mass reprisals and merciless killings of prisoners of war side by side with plans of a purely military and strategic character.

  12. His subordinates engaged in mass killings of Jews, and his civil administrators in the East considered that cleansing the Eastern Occupied Territories of Jews was necessary.

  13. My father used that joke regular at pig-killings for more than five and forty years--the time he followed the calling.

  14. To detail the circumstances of the various killings that occurred during that stormy period of Rowan County would prove tedious.

  15. The battle of Grape Vine Creek was the last serious fight between the Hatfield outlaws and the Kentucky officers, although sporadic killings occurred at frequent intervals.

  16. Several killings occurred in the county during the year, some of which had, however, only remote connection with the feud.

  17. Pigman and Perry were shown to be men of excellent character, neither of them had been parties to previous killings in Rowan County.

  18. They were out here this spring, liked the country, saw its future with eyes that revealed like telescopes, and would have bought ten sections of land to begin with if it hadn't been for two or three killings while they were here.

  19. The agent's report incorrectly makes the killings occur on three different days.

  20. Haywood's history of this period is little more than a continuous record of killings and petty encounters.

  21. Border raids and killings became more and more frequent and alarming; the savages had learned the use of muskets, and were good marksmen.

  22. I asked him why he had told father about the killings at Lebombo.

  23. Of course many of these killings were due to personal feuds, the war being only an excuse for them.

  24. For weeks after the fall of Zombode there were killings in the neighboring districts.

  25. A number of killings took place and many women were stolen.

  26. Nevertheless, I maintain that she was not just in blaming the first killings on us.

  27. They believed that killings of blacks by police and Guardsmen were usually taken for granted or ignored.

  28. While some Americans felt that these killings were a result of government repression of the freedom of speech, others believed that more action of this kind was necessary to curb what they viewed as extremist protest.

  29. With half a dozen killings in the recent fight this was hardly convincing.

  30. There are no deliberate killings on Venus.

  31. There were white men as merciless and murderous as any Indians, and some of these had a rare score of killings to their discredit.

  32. But killings were becoming too familiar in the growing town to excite much comment.

  33. Probably two hundred of these killings were local.

  34. In this square, it appears, all the village pig-killings take place.

  35. Arguing from the frequency of the pig-killings I am convinced that if a census were taken Abainville would be found to contain more pigs than people.

  36. They are afraid of being killed, afraid of being crippled, afraid of venturing out where killings and cripplings are carried on as branches of a highly specialised business.

  37. There were plenty of killings for any one of which he might have been tried and very probably found guilty, but he reckoned it a profound injustice that he should be indicted, tried, and condemned for a killing he had not committed.

  38. The number of killings required for promotion to the rank of bagáni, or recognized warrior, varies according to the locality.

  39. Disputes and misunderstandings arise at times, people sometimes fly into a rage, killings take place on occasions, but such things happen among other peoples.

  40. Occasional killings took place formerly and probably still take place in remote regions, notably on the upper Baóbo.

  41. He had a score of killings to his credit, and, finally, when Paul became sheriff a warrant was issued for his arrest on a charge of murder.

  42. Killings which result from a sudden passion are easily understood.

  43. It would be strange if more killings did not result from the relations of men and women than from any other cause.

  44. Neither can it be held to apply to accidental killings, or killings in self-defense, or in defense of property or family.

  45. Otherwise prison mutinies and killings would be more frequent.

  46. Absurd though legal killings may be, they are not so absurd as the persuasion that death is the worst thing that can happen to a man.

  47. No, one must start with the assumption, sufficiently accurate under all the circumstances, that the killings in which the killer is caught are fairly representative of killings as a whole.

  48. How about the killings where the murderer is never caught?

  49. In Kentucky, killings and depredations took place in almost every direction; at Crab Orchard, Floyd's Fork and numerous other places.

  50. In the same spirit only direct personal interest would arouse in any of them the least indignation over the only too frequent killings and robberies.

  51. The verdict was almost invariably "justifiable self-defence," which was probably near enough, for most of these killings were the result of quarrels.

  52. This week we have received some good news from Samar with reference to important captures and killings of Pulajans.

  53. You could not include any Filipino in your returns of your killings except dead you had actually counted.

  54. There will be no more killings on my hacienda.

  55. I'm glad there never were beatings and killings here.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "killings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.