St. Leger returned to Ireland in August 1544, after the kerne had sailed, and it was probably their absence which kept the island quiet for a time.
The great Leinster chief, Cahir MacEncross Kavanagh, also came to terms, agreed to supply twelve horsemen and twenty kernein all hostings, and to employ his whole force on journeys of not more than three days' duration.
The keeping of kerne and idlemen, armed or unarmed, at the expense of other people, was sternly forbidden, and qualified as open robbery.
One thousand kerne were required for Scotland and 2,000 for France.
A kerne was allowed sixteen and an agricultural labourer ten.
In Irish warfare every two kerne used to have a 'page or boy, which commonly is nevertheless a man.
No kerne were to be quartered on the people, except thirty, which William Keating covenanted to keep always ready for police purposes, and these were to be billeted as the 'cessers' should appoint.
That there was no peace, and consequently no diminution of expense, is not to be altogether attributed to the rapacity of Sir James Ormonde and other leaders of kerne and gallowglasses.
The Lord Deputy might employ kerne and gallowglasses where necessary, and the usual private bands were to be continued; but coyne and livery were to be eschewed as much as possible.
The kerne were good soldiers in their way, but the King was warned that they would require some training for regular warfare.
A few natives, whose services as captains of kerne had deserved special recognition, were to have grants in the English territory, and it was suggested that a large territory should be offered to the Earl of Kildare.
As he groaned with the pain, a kerne is reported to have encouraged him by saying that he himself had three bullets in him, and felt none the worse.
Donald no sooner beheld his kinswoman than he dropped on his knee and with the wildest demonstrations of joy kissed the hand of the ragged kerne who supported her.
All he could do was to procure that registers should be kept, showing on whom each kerne or gallowglass was dependent, thus making the gentlemen responsible.
The Baron's kerne set upon him stoutly, and he fell pierced by many mortal wounds.
The MacSheehy and MacSwiney kerne swarmed everywhere, and just as Fitzmaurice appeared to be at his last gasp, he managed suddenly to collect a strong force of these idlemen, obliging the Geraldines to provide for their maintenance.
He had still eightykerne with him, and found no difficulty in feeding his men either in Aherlow or in the wild district between Macroom and Glengariffe.
To follow the kerne from wood to wood your Lordship knows the soldiers are far unable.
He killed a dozen kerne near Castle-comer, and apologised for not doing more: 'if we had any ground for horsemen we should have made a fair haul.
Therefore, if I should do any good here, I must have kerneagainst kerne, and gallowglass against gallowglass, and trained men to do what they may for the stand.
The remnant of his men were unable to hold out at Comber, and sent to the Earl for help, but 200 of his kerne took the opportunity to mutiny, and he could do nothing.
He had been promised two hundred kerne at sixpence a day, but had received neither the men nor the pay.
The result was a prey of 400 cows and the slaughter of some fortykerne and cowherds.
Clare Galway was yielded at his approach, and a few kerne were shot here and there, but the young Burkes eluded him as completely as David eluded Saul.
He had no help from the Government but 300 kerne and a battering-ram, which he did not use.
The county of Waterford was also disturbed by the Power kerne and others, who had been used to live by coyne and livery.
He founded a settlement in the Rio de Oro (on Kerne or Herne Island), and sailed on past the Senegal river.
The kerne poured in their rapid volleys; many of the English fell; the pass was yielded, and the whole power of Bagnal debouched into the plain.
Then those idiots, kerne and slave - The mighty flame into itself takes all - Full swarm will fly to meet him!
To what better use, then, could the 'loose Irish kerne and swordsmen' of Donegal be turned than to send them to fight in the army of the King of Sweden?
The insurgent leaders and the dangerous kerne having been effectually cleared off in various ways, the whole territory of Inishown was overrun by the king's troops.
The proclamations against wood-kerne present a curious picture of these 'plantation' times.
But could those 'idle kerne and swordsmen,' thus punished with loss of lands and home for the crimes of their chief, be safely trusted to remain anywhere in the neighbourhood of the new English settlers?
In truth, all that the discipline, if it is to be so called, of James's army had done for the Celtic kerne had been to debase and enervate him.
The kerne of Munster or Connaught was dune as well off in the camp as if he had been in his own mud cabin inhaling the vapours of his own quagmire.
After passing =Goodrich= the Wye is crossed by Kerne Bridge, where a toll is charged for motor-cars.
It is advisable not to take cars down the road marked 'To Symond's Yat and the Hotel,' between Kerne Bridge and Whitchurch, as it is very narrow and rough.
From Kerne Bridge a magnificent prospect of the Wye is obtained.
I should waste little sorrow on the wildkerne who lie piled on it like carrion.
Surely, with all the Douglas's chivalry, they are fitter to restrain a disorderly swarm of Highland kerne than I can be to withstand the archery of England and power of Henry Hotspur?
There was no Kerne bridge then; the stream being crossed by ford and ferry, a mile further up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kerne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.