Privation of liberty in holding slaves is, therefore, not to be ranked with things indifferent, but with those which, if not made right by special justificatory circumstances and the intention of the doer, are morally wrong.
Barrere wrote a justificatory letter to the First Consul, who, however, took no notice of it, for he could not get so far as to favour Barrere.
The First Consul spoke at first of signal vengeance; but the Senate of Hamburg sent him a memorial, justificatory of its conduct, and backed the apology with a sum of four millions and a half, which mollified him considerably.
Latour-Foissac had no sooner returned to France than he published a justificatory memorial, in which he showed the impossibility of his having made a longer defence when he was in want of many objects of the first necessity.
All through life Shelley thought of himself and his doings in this self-justificatory fashion.
The infant's premature appearance was of course fruitful of scandalous gossip, which in the total absence of justificatoryevidence may be dismissed as mere gossip.
It energetically vindicates Luther’s distinctive doctrines, and above all declares, again quite falsely, that the doctrine of justificatory faith was the old, traditional Catholic doctrine.
Accompanying the message, as documentsjustificatory of the action to be taken, were four official papers.
Without pressing metaphysical formulae in logic proper, he analysed formal implication grounded implication as a mode of knowledge in the rationality of the real, and developed a justificatory metaphysic.
Our task is not to realise correspondence with something other than thought, but to make explicit those justificatory notions which condition the form of our apprehension.
I mention these circumstances, Mr. President, because, while they are honorable to the deceased, they are also justificatory to myself for appearing as the second to the motion which has been made.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "justificatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.