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Example sentences for "justifie"

Lexicographically close words:
justifiable; justifiably; justification; justifications; justificatory; justified; justifier; justifies; justifieth; justify
  1. I hope you will not be offended, nor think I mean by this to justifie my own imprudent Conduct, or expect You should.

  2. A Man, that can so far descend from his Dignity, as to strike a Lady, can never recover his Reputation with either Sex, because no Provocation is thought strong enough to justifie such Treatment from the Powerful towards the Weak.

  3. Morality seems highly violated by the one, and whether or no a Zeal for what a Man thinks the true System of Faith may justifie it, is very uncertain.

  4. Milton has imitated him with his usual Judgment in this particular Place, wherein he has likewise the Authority of Scripture to justifie him.

  5. Yet may I justifie those Scots to all the world in this.

  6. The prosperous winds which oft fil the sails of Pirats, doth not justifie their piracy and rapine.

  7. As good ends cannot justifie evill means; so nor will evill beginnings ever bring forth good conclusions: unless God by a miracle of Mercie create Light out of Darknesse, Order out of our Confusions, and peace out of our passions.

  8. In fine I'll justifie it to be as grand to the eye every whit, I gad, as that great Scene in Harry the Eight.

  9. Whom God preserve, and with my single sword, Will justifie whatever he commands; I'll watch him for catching of my words.

  10. I dare not speak: or if I do 'tis nothing Can bring me off, or justifie me.

  11. And give allowance to your liberal jests Upon his Person, whose least anger would Consume a Legion of such wretched people, That have no more to justifie their actions But their tongues ends?

  12. You are so Beautiful So wondrous Fair, you justifie Rebellion; As if that faultless Face could make no Sin, But Heaven by looking on it must forgive.

  13. I suppose the Relapser Fancies the calling her Miss Hoyden is enough to justifie her Ill Manners.

  14. I shall give the Reader enough to justifie the Charge, and I hope to abhor the Practice.

  15. Johnson and Beaumont appear and justifie the Author in a Copy of Verses.

  16. First justifie the Ordination of your own Ministers by private persons, and then you will see better, to find fault with the Ordination of our Ministers.

  17. We proceed to justifie it in other particulars.

  18. We would not be understood as if we meant either to Justifie this Nation, or to charge such a sin upon all in that Nation.

  19. Stay and let me justifie My husband in that, I have wrong'd his bed.

  20. We [have] conferr'd our Notes, and have extracted that, which we will justifie upon our oaths.

  21. Let him appeare to justifie his deede, In spight of my betrai'd wounds; ere my soule Take her flight through them, and my tongue hath strength 40 To urge his tyrannie.

  22. Yet will I justifie upon my soule All I have done; If any spirit i'th[e] earth or aire Can give you the resolve, doe not despaire.

  23. I now may spare his Character, but observe him, He'l justifie my report.

  24. I will justifie upon my life and credit What you have heard, for truth, and will make proof of.

  25. The Second Part of this Book (the Mantissa to the Prodromus Cometicus) endeavours to justifie the Authors Observations touching the former Comet, excepted against by M.

  26. If they please to give their Reasons, they justifie their Complaint; for then their Address is almost in the nature of an Impeachment; and in that Case they may procure a hearing when they please.

  27. And if he must justifie his own proceedings to their whole Body, how can he do it but by blaming their Representatives?

  28. Do, for I am resolv'd to justifie the Lady.

  29. The Lady shall make what words she pleases; and I will justifie her in't.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "justifie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.