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Example sentences for "just large"

  • Heater Details] The electric heater is just large enough to allow a space about 1/2 in.

  • Illustration: The Loop in the Leather Grips the Cap Tightly When the Handle is Turned as the Arrow Indicates] The loop should be just large enough to slip over the cover easily.

  • The hole H should be just large enough to allow the carbon to enter, or about 1/2 in.

  • Now take your pocket-lens, and get an optician to bore a hole through one end of it, just large enough to receive the upturned end of the wire; slip the lens on the wire, and the microscope is complete.

  • The Apple Mill is made by boring a hole in a nut, just large enough to pass a thin skewer through; the kernel should then be extracted, and another hole bored in the side of the nut, as A in the annexed figure.

  • Get a piece of gutta-percha tubing, just large enough to be slipped on the end of the rod or stick; mark off an inch or so, and cut the tube nearly through, as at a in Fig.

  • Bore a hole through the cork, just large enough to allow the upright rod to slip through it, and there is the "stand" of your microscope.

  • Perhaps the three ways most generally used are: setting by means of a bezel, or small band; prong setting, and setting the stone down in a cavity cut in the metal, just large enough to hold the stone.

  • Clean off, round up on the stake, and make it just large enough to drive it into the top, pushing it down until about 3/8 in.

  • This makes a circular depression, just large enough to accommodate the 1/2-in.

  • Our waterproof bags were of leather, lined with waterproof cloth, just large enough to fill one of the canvas pack-bags.

  • It was a steep, sloping tunnel into the bowels of the earth, just large enough to admit the passage of a man's body.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just large" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    called the; cruel treatment; fall short; just boil; just claim; just come; just have; just idea; just know; just north; just outside; just previous; just published; just referred; just revenge; just stated; just step; just such; just wanted; just what; just when; justice and; justifying faith; justly regarded; torpedo boat; unlike the