Heater Details] The electric heater is just largeenough to allow a space about 1/2 in.
Illustration: The Loop in the Leather Grips the Cap Tightly When the Handle is Turned as the Arrow Indicates] The loop should be just largeenough to slip over the cover easily.
The hole H should be just large enough to allow the carbon to enter, or about 1/2 in.
Now take your pocket-lens, and get an optician to bore a hole through one end of it, just large enough to receive the upturned end of the wire; slip the lens on the wire, and the microscope is complete.
The Apple Mill is made by boring a hole in a nut, just large enough to pass a thin skewer through; the kernel should then be extracted, and another hole bored in the side of the nut, as A in the annexed figure.
Get a piece of gutta-percha tubing, just large enough to be slipped on the end of the rod or stick; mark off an inch or so, and cut the tube nearly through, as at a in Fig.
Bore a hole through the cork, just large enough to allow the upright rod to slip through it, and there is the "stand" of your microscope.
Perhaps the three ways most generally used are: setting by means of a bezel, or small band; prong setting, and setting the stone down in a cavity cut in the metal, just large enough to hold the stone.
Clean off, round up on the stake, and make it just large enough to drive it into the top, pushing it down until about 3/8 in.
This makes a circular depression, just largeenough to accommodate the 1/2-in.
Our waterproof bags were of leather, lined with waterproof cloth, just large enough to fill one of the canvas pack-bags.
It was a steep, sloping tunnel into the bowels of the earth, just large enough to admit the passage of a man's body.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just large" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.