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Example sentences for "nearly full"

  • Have ready a frying-pan, nearly full of boiling lard.

  • Proceed thus till the pot is nearly full, finishing with a lid of paste, not fitting quite closely.

  • Proceed in this manner with alternate layers of crab or lobster, and of oysters, till the dish is nearly full.

  • When the pot is nearly full, cover its contents with a large round or circular piece of paste.

  • A nearly full-grown leaf (afterwards proved to be highly sensitive to contact) stood almost horizontally, so that by driving a long thin pin through the foliaceous petiole close to the blade, it was rendered motionless.

  • Similar observations were occasionally made on young leaves (for the older ones moved very little) produced by nearly full-grown plants.

  • Oxalis acetosella: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown leaf, with filament attached to the midrib of one of the leaflets; traced on vertical glass during 20 h.

  • Continue these alternate layers until the dish is nearly full; then cover with a thin layer of cracker and pieces of butter.

  • Continue this until the crôustade is nearly full, having the last layer a thick one of crumbs.

  • Continue this until the form is nearly full, and then cover with the remainder of the force-meat.

  • A bottle of whiskey, and a wine glass, were produced by the girl, and the sorceress filled the glass, nearly full, with the spirits.

  • Many a full or nearly full-blood Gipsy will say that Gipsies do not mix their blood with that of the stranger.

  • A full or nearly full-blood young English Gipsy looks upon herself with all the pride of a little duchess, while in the company of young male mixed Gipsies.

  • Then another bunch; then more sugar, and so on till the jar is nearly full; finishing with a layer of sugar.

  • Then more venison, and then more cakes, till the pot is nearly full.

  • Spread thickly upon each stratum of tomatoes, and when the dish is nearly full, put tomatoes uppermost, a good bit of butter upon each slice.

  • Proceed in this order until the pot is nearly full, when cover with water, and stew slowly—the pot closely covered—for three-quarters of an hour.

  • When the pot is nearly full, pour in a quart of cold water and put on the upper crust, cutting a small round hole out of the middle, through which you can add hot water should the gravy boil away too fast.

  • Another layer of cracker, wet with milk, and so on until the dish is nearly full.

  • If a scale from such a cone is examined about the first of June, the ovules will probably be nearly full-grown, oval, whitish bodies two to three millimetres in length.

  • As the embryo enlarges, the walls of the basal part of the archegonium grow rapidly, so that the embryo remains enclosed in the archegonium until it is nearly full-grown (Fig.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nearly full" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both classes; century work; less severe; living waters; nearly all; nearly allied; nearly always; nearly cold; nearly done; nearly equal; nearly flat; nearly half; nearly horizontal; nearly level; nearly obsolete; nearly opposite; nearly round; nearly sessile; nearly spherical; nearly the same manner; nearly uniform; nearly white; once opened; senor curate; three teaspoonfuls; unto the