These were the stronger visions of the night with Lapidoth, and not the worn frame of his ireful son uttering a terrible judgment.
As he spoke, the figure looked upon him with a fierce and ireful countenance, which, without losing the similitude of that which it usually exhibited, had a wilder and more exaggerated cast of features.
As she paces to and fro the ugly din fades out of her ears and the ireful red out of her cheeks.
But his ireful restlessness will not allow him to accept this concession.
He did not give back a step before her ireful figure.
He sprang up again and turned his ireful face to where, in the crowd, sat the old politician.
And as unwilling to depart from them 3430 His ireful cracks the trembling grove did hem.
Yea, what were ten thousand such manifestations of his ireful indignation against sin, to that of striking, afflicting, chastising, and making the darling of his bosom the object of his wrath and judgment?
He was flushed and hot and hoarse, but the gleam in his eye was no longer that of offended pride and ireful resolve.
Oh, I tremble to think what will be the end of this so dreadful and so ireful a beginning!
There was theireful consciousness that the narrow-gauge folks were giving him a raw deal on that dynamite matter.
Belle was not long in following them, darting an ireful glance at Roger in passing, to which he responded by a rather mocking smile.
I don't care if the king's with him," and darting on one side she reached the office door, and knocked so sharply that the ireful potentate within sprang up himself to see who the inconsiderate intruder was.
Catching an ireful glance from the girl in charge of the counter, she returned it with interest.