In the case of the former, claim is laid to the unbroken episcopal succession through the Waldenses, and the question of their eventual intercommunion with the Anglican Church was accordingly mooted at the Lambeth Conference of 1908.
Church as a whole is maintained by the intercommunion of the bishops, who for this purpose represent their dioceses.
Its fruit was thus another suitable symbol of intercommunion between the products of the earth and the bodies of men.
His physical life was sustained by His participation in the sacrificial intercommunionof Nature.
Life is a whole, and the Spirit of Life pervading all form is manifested by the intercommunion of all its parts.
With higher organisms propagation is achieved by the same principle of sacrificial love, the intercommunion of all forms of life being necessary for the continuity of life as a whole.
Therefore He bid them eat and drink, and thus continue to benefit from the intercommunion of Nature, in which all forms of life obtain mutual sustenance by mutual sacrifice.
Already, especially since the late Emancipation Jubilee, are signs manifest of a desire forintercommunion and intercomprehension amongst the more distinguished of our people.
In this way there is an intercommunion between all the [256] intelligent sections of the inhabitants, based on a common training and the subtle sympathies usually generated in enlightened breasts by intimate personal knowledge.
But in the former, man ever seeks to attain to this intercommunion of friendship by something that he himself will do for God.
Although there did not probably subsist a general intercommunion of marriage within the league, yet, as has been already remarked(8) intermarriage between the different communities frequently occurred.
The Scripture representations of this intercommunion prevent us from conceiving of the distinctions called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as involving separation between them.
Passages illustrating this intercommunion are the following: Gen.
The Platform defined the intercommunion of the churches[v] upon such broad lines as to admit of sympathetic fellowship even when slight differences existed in local customs.
The Heads of Agreement assert that in the intercommunion of churches there is to be no subordination among them, and that there ought to be frequent friendly consultations between their "Officers.
Not personal intercommunion but divine law is the com- municator of truth, health, and harmony to earth and humanity.
The mental states are so unlike, that intercommunion is as impossible as it would be between a mole and a human 82:27 being.
The Patriarchs would have been glad of intercommunionon their own terms, but in the true spirit of the Eastern Church, would concede nothing.
Since, then, the Church in which they had been brought up had failed them, where should they find intercommunion and sympathy?
This last point of the case is more largely and emphatically brought out in the Phaedrus, where Sokrates delivers a highly poetical effusion respecting the partial intercommunion of the human soul with these eternal intellectual realities.
Our spirit's deepest intercommunion with nature has no place in her records--blanks are there that ought to have been painted with imperishable imagery, and steeped in sentiment fresh as the morning on life's golden hills.
And thus slowly and silently they made their way to the south, not with the pomp and pretence of conquest, but by means of that ordinary intercommunion which connected one portion of the empire of the Caliphs with another.
But intercommunion was difficult, and comparatively rare in days like those, and of nothing is there less pretence of proof than that the Holy See, while persecution raged, imposed a faith upon the ecumenical body.
This was magnified by his opponent Eustathius into a correspondence and intercommunion between the archbishop and heresiarch.
Endeavours to establish intercommunion with the Churches of Eastern Christendom may be made with more hope of success.
It would seem, therefore, that bread and salt are as the body and the blood, the flesh and the life, offered in sacrifice at the home table of the Jew, as formerly at the altar of intercommunion with God.
The primitive idea of an altar was a table of intercommunion with God, or with the gods.
And in the next place, it is plain that, according asintercommunion grows between Europe and America, it is Ireland that must grow with it in social and political importance.
But not to dwell unduly on these public manifestations of a Catholic tendency, we should all recollect that a restoration of intercommunion with other Churches is, in a certain sense, in the power of individuals.
It must of course be recognised that the problem of intercommunion in the mission field is of urgent practical importance.
That Church was not only forbidding any sympathy or concurrence with the Church of Rome, but it actually was courting an intercommunion with Protestant Prussia and the heresy of the Orientals.
It is our theory, that each diocese is an integral Church, intercommunion being a duty (and the breach of it a sin), but not essential to Catholicity.
It is, I say, the necessary result of the intercommunion of divine faith and human corruption.