For the same reason the most difficult hits which an infielder has to handle are the slow, easy, bounding balls that under ordinary circumstances a child could stop.
At last he saw the new infielder shift one day and the batter prepare for an inside ball.
So the best infielder takes time to fit into the infield of a Big League club and have it hit on all four cylinders again.
That will give them three pitchers, two catchers, an extra infielderand outfielder, beside the other members of the team.
That will give him three pitchers, two catchers, an extra infielderand outfielder, besides the seven other men in their regular positions.
Denton had left second at the crack of the bat, and by the time the infielder regained the ball had rounded third and was tearing like a racehorse toward the plate.
If he hits a fly ball that can be handled by an infielder while first and second bases are occupied, or first, second and third, with only one out.
When a hit ball is hit so sharply to an infielder that he cannot handle it in time to put out the Batsman.
A bunt hit is a deliberate attempt on the part of the Batsman to hit a ball slowly within the infield so that it cannot be fielded by any infielder in time to retire the batsman.
Therefore he had always offered four scholarships in baseball, one for the leading pitcher, one for the leading infielder, one for the leading outfielder and batter, and one for the best all-round infielder and batsman.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infielder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.