In spite of this admitted inevitableness of our resolutions and actions, the predicate of freedom really belongs to them, and this on two grounds.
They are vastly interesting in theinevitableness of their prearranged doom.
Again the harper's hand went up with the slow inevitableness of destiny.
The girl felt the gradual magic of his might mesmerising her with the inevitableness of its approach.
She saw in him the inevitableness of the masculine attitude; the difference between man and woman; the preponderance of blood and energy over the higher motives.
The sound of the whispered words, the question, the inevitableness of something involuntary, proved traitors to her happy dreams, her assurance, her composure.
That intellectual development which gives the capacity to foresee the inevitableness of physical dissolution is thus responsible for the apprehension of a spiritual survival of death.
Sidenote: The inevitablenessof both and the inestimableness of their history.
The inevitablenessof a catastrophe seemed to become less tangible, a persistent and hopeful "if" crept in amongst her desperate litanies.
Gone was all her pride, all her icy reserve, even jealousy had vanished before the awful inevitableness of his dishonour and his death.
There is an inevitableness about it all, for life is not lived at a hazard; every path is clearly laid bare from its first step to its last before the eyes of the Lord; the ups and downs which obscure the way for us are all level to Him.
He is the first prophet of Grace, Israel's earliest Evangelist; yet with as keen a sense of law, and of the inevitableness of ethical discipline, as Amos himself.
She was impressed with the slightness of the thread on which our destiny hangs, and then by the inevitableness of our lives.
There was a little lyrical inevitableness in the lines of this clock, and Owen could not come into the room without admiring it.
There has probably never been a dramatist who could invest conversation with the same vivacity and point, the same combination of surprise and inevitableness that distinguishes his best work.
His daring and splendid genius made the local universal, raised out of rough and cynical satirizing a style as rich and humorous and astringent as that of Rabelais, lent inevitableness and pathos and romance to lyric and song.
The inevitableness of it appears in the variety of the sources from which that aim may spring.
The social consciousness, therefore, so far as it is an expression of the possibility and inevitableness of our mutual influence, is a reflection of the immanence of the one God in the unity and consistency of his life.
It is therefore well to join with them poems or other bits of literature which emphasize the matter of inevitableness of form.
As a result, the stories, until we come down to the very last year of the period, make on the children no impression of the inevitableness of form, or of any of the smaller devices of style and finish.
Besides, it seems to produce an effect really alien to the cause; as in the penalties of the sufferers in the Inferno, the inevitableness of the effect is obscured by the many complex stages that intervene between it and the cause.
Just as I know you do, so do I recognize the inevitableness of it and the justness.
The inevitableness of it in no wise detracted from its sheer uselessness.
Like the night and the lonely wilderness around him, like the inevitableness of this Jorth-Isbel feud, this love of his was a thing, a fact, a reality.
Will the dethroned monarch recognize the inevitableness of the massive revolution which is surging round her and give up her outgrown pretensions, willingly consenting to play a lesser role in full harmony with the spirit of the time?
But I feel certain that, if they will permit themselves a dispassionate study of the facts, they will, sooner or later, be forced to acknowledge the inevitableness of the conclusion.
She did not for a moment dispute itsinevitableness or question his decision.
But the logic of this made no impression on the coyotes whose only answer to its inevitableness was to call again and again--come back; come back.
To an iron inevitableness of fate he opposes only indifference and an unbending courage.
That sense of the inevitable which had the Greek dramatists wholly, which had George Eliot sufficiently, that rhythmical progression of events, rhythm and inevitableness (two words for one and the same thing) is not there.
It is a great AT LAST which these clauses peal forth; but an At Last whose tone is not so much inevitableness as undeserved grace.
Now in this universal human experience of the inevitableness and the virtue of vicarious suffering, Israel had been deeply baptized.
In Saul, the logical inevitableness of its acceptance by the seeker after God, as revealed, first in Nature, then in His dealings with Humanity, is traced by the seer of a remote past before the historic fact has been accomplished.
Thus Browning leads us on, as so frequently elsewhere, to an admission of the inevitableness of immortality.