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Example sentences for "idiomatically"

Lexicographically close words:
idinnam; idiocy; idiom; idioma; idiomatic; idioms; idiopathic; idiosyncracies; idiosyncracy; idiosyncrasies
  1. We have been careful to observe the use of the Article wherever it seemed to be idiomatically possible: where it did not seem to be possible, we have yielded to necessity.

  2. I must warn the reader, however, again and again, that all this has reference only to languages spoken idiomatically correct.

  3. In using the term "idiomatically correct" I mean of course that mode of expression which is peculiar to a language, its general cast, and which is representative of its genius and spirit.

  4. After this, my original endeavor to speak the English language idiomatically correct became a matter of secondary importance.

  5. The verb uthna like the Persian bar-khastan is used idiomatically in the sense of "to go away," to "vanish.

  6. Las= is often used idiomatically for those things in general suggested by the phrase in which it stands (e.

  7. Si=: the conditional =si= is idiomatically used to give point or emphasis to an affirmation, much like the English colloquial why.

  8. Footnote: It, although a neuter form, is used idiomatically to refer to a male or a female as, It was John; It was Mary.

  9. Whom here may be parsed as an objective case form used idiomatically in place of who.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idiomatically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.