The early house, or the first lot of Vines in pots, if it is intended to start them in November or December, to be pruned, that sufficient time may be allowed to heal up the wounds, and the buds to become more plump and prominent.
Proceed as diligently as possible with the repotting of such of the hardwooded greenhouse plants as require it, so as to start them in good time to acquire a vigorous growth.
Pot them if they require it, but without disturbing the ball of earth about their roots; to be favoured with an increase of heat to start them afresh, and during their active growth to be liberally supplied with water.
Sow seed where plants are to grow; or, better, start them in the house three or four weeks before the weather is fit for planting outside.
Select a fertile sandy or gravelly soil with warm exposure, use some soluble commercial fertilizer to start them off, and give them the best of culture.
Before frost the tubers should be carefully taken up and gradually dried in the shade, after which they are to be placed in dry sand or earth, in shallow boxes, and kept till time to start them in the spring.
And forth they drave from the gateway and the echoing gallery, and Peisistratus touched the horses with the whip to start them, and the pair flew onward nothing loth.
Then Nausicaa took the whip and the shining reins, and touched the mules to start them; then there was a clatter of hoofs, and on they strained without flagging, with their load of the raiment and the maiden.
And he touched the horses with the whip to start them, and the pair flew onward nothing loth.
Do you know whether the conductors of those trains were all prepared to start them or not?
Did you meet with any trouble in getting men to start them?
That seemed to start them up, and made them quite lively on having some disturbance.
If put out during drought very little water is required to start them, and as the cool weather returns they will grow with vigour.
We will suppose small sowings made of three or four sorts in January or early in February, and put into a gentle heat to start them.
Start them by plunging the pots in a temperature of about 65°, and when they are coming into bloom, remove to a warm greenhouse or conservatory.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "start them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.