Morphin, with or without atropin, as deemed best, should be administered hypodermically in the amount and with the frequency necessary to stop the pain and quiet the restlessness.
Digitalis should also be given, hypodermically perhaps, but its action would be too late if it was not aided by other more quickly acting drugs.
Although he says he has found no bad action from ergot, either by the mouth or hypodermically in these eclamptic cases, it would seem inadvisable to use ergot, which may raise the blood pressure.
Some anesthetists believe that it is better to administer morphin, with perhaps atropin hypodermically before the anesthesia, and then to use ether.
Whether it should be given by the mouth or hypodermically would depend entirely on the seriousness of the condition.
This caution is advised on account of the tendency the solution to be injected hypodermically would have to make a dried spot worse in color than better.
If heat, say for instance a burning match be applied to the skin it will not blister, or if ammonia is hypodermically injected under the skin there will be no redness, but rather the skin will turn to a yellowish color.
The pillows should be removed, the foot of the bed elevated twelve to eighteen inches, a preparation of ergot given by the mouth or hypodermically in the thigh.
The main remedy is opium, and if necessary to obtain a quick action it can be given hypodermically in the form of morphine.
Morphine given hypodermically will relieve the pain, but it is a dangerous medicine to use in a chronic case.
One hundredth grain hyoscine hypodermically is sometimes good; one-fourth grain morphinehypodermically is sometimes given.
Weakness can be met by hypodermics of whisky or brandy and strychnine, one-thirtieth of grain, injected hypodermicallyto stimulate the heart.
It is not credible that an alkaloid introduced into the body hypodermically should not be absorbed.
It is often recommended in such cases to administer hypodermically a little =morphine=.
Administer hypodermically 2 or 3 drops of the solution of =strychnine= at intervals of from fifteen to twenty minutes.
Ergotine by the mouth or hypodermically will sometimes prove highly valuable.
Curare injected hypodermically overcomes the spasms, but does not usually, if ever, retard death.
In extensive outbreaks I have had the best results with the administration thrice daily of carbolic acid, nitro-muriatic acid, or bichromate of potassium, and hypodermically of iodide of potassium and sulphate of quinia.
Atropia hypodermically and chloroform internally have been found useful for the relief of severe muscular twitchings.
Cochrane[268] cited three cases where caffein was hypodermically administered in cases of acute indigestion, etc.
When injected hypodermically it exerts an anesthetic action much more prolonged than that of cocain†(Useful Drugs, Ed.
Nevertheless, the true peptones behave just like true poisons, when they are introduced hypodermically into the blood.
The average opium-smoker consuming twenty-five pills a day gets only the equivalent of about a quarter grain of morphine takenhypodermically or of a half grain taken by the mouth.
Another ingenious wife or sweetheart devised the expedient of sending in to a prisoner oranges from which the juice had been cleverly extracted and which had been filled hypodermically with a morphine solution.
On the other hand, the alkaloids of opium administered hypodermically or as ingredients in many patent medicines are thus convenient, and as a result this phase of the evil has reached overwhelming proportions.
Small doses of morphine, given hypodermically and quickly repeated, is the best plan of exhibiting it.
Ergotin, dissolved in water (1 part to 10), may be injected hypodermically in grain doses several times repeated if necessary.
Nothing substitutes morphia hypodermically with success, but in some instances or when the stomach is not very irritable it may be necessary to give medicine by the mouth.
For adults, morphia hypodermically is perhaps the best remedy for the vomiting and purging; even for children, minute doses given in this way are best for alarming illness.
Ergotin used hypodermically in the vicinity of the anus or injected into the piles has frequently resulted in a complete cure, and the same may be said of the injection of carbolic acid directly into the tumors.
When a quick action is required, morphia hypodermically may be preferred; yet it is to be remembered that opium with all its active principles is of more value in the relief of peritonitis than morphia alone.
Use as a powerful stimulant hypodermically one tablet every four hours, if needed, watching the action of the heart carefully.
Use as a sedative for pain, one tablet hypodermically repeated every two hours to effect; digitalin, gr.
Hypodermically the emetic acts in a very short time; by the mouth it requires somewhat longer, say ten minutes.
Use to induce vomiting in cases of poisoning, one tablet hypodermically only.
The average dose of strychniahypodermically applied is 1/30 of a grain.
Morphine: hypodermically injected in the epigastrium in persistent seasickness.
Ergotin: hypodermically about dorsal vein of penis, when it empties too rapidly.
Rest in bed, regulation of bowels, leeches to perineum, medication to render urine alkaline, and morphine hypodermically or in suppository.
Opium: in small doses frequently repeated, or hypodermicallyas morphine.
Atropine: as liniment, or hypodermically near the nerve.
Any dose above 1/2 grain applied to a mucous membrane or injected hypodermically may give rise to alarming symptoms.
Repeated doses of strychnine acetas hypodermically given, but in quarter grain doses.
The punctures incised, and blood let out, one-twelfth of a grain of strychniae; acetas hypodermically injected.
Although the effect of morphia taken hypodermically is more pure, and perhaps more forcible for the time being, its force is expended much more quickly than when taken in the customary way.
The Difference between the Effect of the Drug taken Hypodermically and Otherwise, Explained.
The vaccination of a hog by the single method consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum.
In case the animal is suffering severe pain, morphine given hypodermically may be indicated.
The vaccination of a hog by the double method consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera blood.
The vaccination or treatment of a cholera hog showing noticeable symptoms, or a high body temperature, consists in injecting hypodermically or intramuscularly anti-hog-cholera serum (Fig.
Morphine may be given hypodermically to the large animals after a period of six to eight hours following the administration of the physic.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hypodermically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.