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Example sentences for "hyar"

Lexicographically close words:
hyaena; hyaenas; hyah; hyaline; hyaloid; hyas; hybernate; hybernating; hybernation; hybiscus
  1. Julie sho' did light out from hyar to go git Callie.

  2. Miss Millie done hyar tell dey wuz on de way, an she had de mens haul all Marse Ned's cotton off in de woods en hide it.

  3. I wuz told some white men's livin' in town hyar helped 'em git away.

  4. Ise got ter tote dis hyar buttermilk home; dey's a-waitin' fur it now.

  5. No, I don't want Miss Kate to write dis hyar letter.

  6. I don't 'spect I'll lib much longer in dis hyar world.

  7. But these hyar mounting people don't waste no breath a-sayin' of miss an' mister.

  8. You ain't nary revnoo spy, air ye, come hyar ter hunt down the moonshiners?

  9. Ef you recommember, Bob, thar war one hyar 'bout this time las' year, too!

  10. Yo's gwine hyar it all right," and with this parting admonition to good behavior, Jess went unconcernedly about his business of putting away the articles of his pets' toilets.

  11. We stay 'way up hyar in these coves, and mind our own business.

  12. This hyar boy air a deal too peart ter try enny sech fool tricks on Me!

  13. Twar a good thing ez we-uns happened ter kem by hyar on our way from the tan-yard way down yander in the valley whar we-uns hev been ter git paid up fur workin' thar some.

  14. This hyar looks like a scrap o' my coat," said Barney, utterly unaware of the significance of his words.

  15. This hyar wind air blowin' powerful brief," he said.

  16. I kem down hyar on vines arter a tur-r-key I shot.

  17. An' I'm afeard ter walk about much with this hyar dime; I mought lose it, ye know.

  18. The teacher elevated his grizzled eyebrows, and Ike said, "I kem hyar ter ax ye ef that be a true word.

  19. We oughter be fur enough from hyar by daybreak.

  20. Mebbe this hyar wind an' rain hev beat him off'n the ledge!

  21. Den hyar come Old Massa an' axed John iffen he done what he tole him not to do, an' John 'nied hit.

  22. Every time dey would hyar de Yankees was coming dey would take us out in de woods and hide us.

  23. You could hyar dem at nights out in de fiel's.

  24. You nebber see dem come back hyar agin, I'se bet.

  25. I wan't bothered wi' these hyar animals, I ked follow them tracks easy enough.

  26. They must a made some hyar in the mud, while toatin' thar things to the dug-out.

  27. I reck'n I ain't quite forgot how: though I am bamfoozled a bit by these hyar parairies-- consarn them!

  28. Nobody war eber hyar afore me; Pomp am de next; and you's de on'y white man eber seen dis yer cave.

  29. Atter de surrender we moved ter a place nigh Dix Hill hyar in Raleigh an' my mammy married a Coggin, dar's whar I gits my name.

  30. Dey says dat our governor wuz hyar makin' a speech but he flewed 'fore dey got hyar.

  31. He wus a white man, an' jist a boy, an' I is sorry, but I comes hyar anyhow.

  32. Den dey wuz drawed an' sent wid him down hyar ter Wendell.

  33. Mr. Jake had four or five hundert niggers hyar an' I doan know how many at de Edgecombe County place.

  34. You mebbe doan know hit, but de prisoners hyar doan git de blues so bad if de company comes on visitin' days, an' de mail comes reg'lar.

  35. Somebody goes ter cheer him up an' dey axes him hadn't he ruther be hyar dan daid.

  36. Whipped her off on the crupper o' yur seddle--jest es these hyar purairia Injuns sometimes does.

  37. Both on 'em knows these hyar wuds as well as the anymals thet lives in 'em.

  38. Thum both been hyar many's the time, an' a wheen too often, I reckin.

  39. Neer a bit of it--the trees is altered someways, since we war hyar afore!

  40. You can take my boat an' go after your captain an' that little nigger, but I sho' advise you not to stop hyar on youah way back.

  41. You doan't want to get mixed up in this hyar quarrel.

  42. Yu come out hyar an' we'll have it out, man to man.

  43. Cause I don't ever expect to leave this hyar cabin alive," said his host, calmly.

  44. Step lively, we have got to pull out from hyar quick.

  45. Tromp on sich a hot day as dis hyar wid de fermom'ter jist nachelly climbin' cl'ar out er sight?

  46. The weemen are clost by hyar at the shanty.

  47. It's better than stannin' hyar to be shot down like buffler in a penn.

  48. But Ah tells you-all hyar an' now dat Dominique Raffin ain't no mo' Voodoo den Ah is.

  49. You ain't going back with them--never to come hyar no more, are you?

  50. I was never hyar in these hyar mountings afore.

  51. It don't take no book-learnin' to tell me as how a kiss like that you planned for me would be a sign that really you care for me no more than for the critters that you hunt an' kill for pastime up hyar among the mountings.

  52. But thar never was nobody rich in these hyar mountings an' I reckon thar never will be.

  53. Hyar in th' mountings that word's worth your life!

  54. The remains of their food was silently eaten in the darkness, when Baldy said: 'Do yer stay hyar whar ye be till I come back' 'Where might ye be going naow?

  55. Some distance from hyar is some timbers, and in thar the reds have left their animals.

  56. These hyar white folks is same as chickens," grumbled old Oscar.

  57. You ain't a-goin' to do no washinanirnin' in this hyar kitchen today.

  58. I never purtended ter be ez sweet an' pritty ez the baby air, but how would you-uns feel ef somebody ye despised war ter kem hyar an' tote him off from we-uns forever?

  59. I couldn't hev made out ter put up with this hyar worl' no longer when my wife died ef it hedn't been fur Eveliny.

  60. I made him leave his fiddle hyar ter the still, an' I be goin' ter hide his book.

  61. Ef ennybody tuk arter him he war convenient ter disappear down hyar with we-uns.

  62. I looks ter see him a-stalkin' roun' hyar some night, too outdone an' aggervated ter rest in his grave.

  63. Tobe Gryce mought hev hid hyar through a opening down yander on the slope.

  64. Let me tie this hyar comforter over the Cunnel's head," Eugenia said, as he bundled the child in a shawl and lifted her in his arms.

  65. How's ennybody goin' ter know a man ez lived 'way off down hyar in Lonesome Cove?

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hyar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.