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Example sentences for "cumbrous"

Lexicographically close words:
cumberer; cumbereth; cumbering; cumbers; cumbersome; cume; cumenical; cumin; cuming; cumis
  1. His subsequent books appeared in the same way: even the Heir-at-Law I had just witnessed came to a similar cumbrous birth, and was rehearsed and produced without criticism or suggestion from the author.

  2. With what degree of judgment the "cumbrous matter" has been removed, must be left to the public to determine.

  3. Commerce was developing, and the roads, with the heavy and cumbrous waggons, were insufficient for the growing trade.

  4. Our task at present is merely to throw together some information personally relating to bookworms, hitherto hidden within the mouldering pages of cumbrous volumes, offering little inducement for the perusal of the ordinary reader.

  5. In this uncertainty, Bouquet resolved to leave behind the oxen and wagons, which formed the most cumbrous part of the convoy, in order to advance with greater celerity, and oppose a better resistance in case of attack.

  6. Out of his own familiar language, he is indeed heavy and wearisome; English armour is too cumbrous for him; he cannot move in it with grace and activity.

  7. Now when report of that their perilous pain, 5 And cumbrous conflict, which they did sustain, cumbrous > harassing (cf.

  8. Live ever there, and leave me here distressed With mortall cares and cumbrous worlds anoy; But where thou dost that happiness enioy, Bid me, O bid me quicklie come to thee, That happie there I maie thee alwaies see.

  9. Cortes with all his armor was a cumbrous burthen; yet the warriors bore him swiftly toward the verge of the azoteas.

  10. As they pushed against him, one, dropping his more cumbrous weapon, struck him in the breast with a copper knife.

  11. The apartment into which the young noble had been thus ushered, seemed to have been hastily fitted up with such resources of a lady's chamber as the cumbrous and incommodious fashion of the day offered.

  12. Throughout the management of affairs in Richmond a cumbrous inefficiency was everywhere manifest.

  13. But with all the trouble it gave to men intent upon doing their duty, this cumbrous passport system was well-nigh worthless for any of the purposes whose accomplishment might have excused its existence.

  14. The advantage it possessed over the common cradle in enabling us to wash a larger quantity of earth was more than counterbalanced by the difficulties that would beset the use of so cumbrous an ally as the wheel.

  15. Not a mere cumbrous county gathering, nor yet a showy imported party from town, but a skillful blending of both.

  16. The cumbrous character of these large volumes was the basis for the dictum of the Alexandrian grammarian, "A big book is a big nuisance.

  17. Such cumbrous terminology is too forbidding to use.

  18. Measuring the elasticity of the British naval distribution by the comparatively cumbrous and restricted mobility of armies, he saw it as a rash and unwarlike dispersal.

  19. A mass of transports and warships is the most cumbrous and vulnerable engine of war ever known.

  20. He marvelled to think how many and diverse and cumbrous elements he had assembled to his hand, and undertaken to keep in motion, for what seemed so small a cause.

  21. After a weary length, the tread of many horses and the noise of cumbrous wheels was heard from the uneven and miry road.

  22. It prevails to a considerable extent among the villas of the south, being always broad and tall, and occasionally so frequent as to give the building, viewed laterally, a pyramidal and cumbrous effect.

  23. A critic who imagines that such cumbrous preterites as astertede and bigilede were in common use, should be asked to read Middle-English authors till he meets with a few examples of them.

  24. Was the old Roman less a man in his cumbrous toga, than Washington in his tights?

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cumbrous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.