The jar must be covered and stored in a cold place.
Pour into molds and set in a cold place to harden.
If necessary to let them stand an hour or so, wrap the plate of sandwiches in a dampened napkin and put in a cold place so the bread will not become hard and dry.
When cold add juice of lemons and let stand in a cold placefor a week, stirring it every day.
Put a little of the jelly into the bottom of a deep dish or bowl, and set it in a cold place.
If it sets several hours, it will be the better for it; and better still if the paste is made the night before it is wanted; always keeping it in a cold place.
Then strain it through a linen bag, and put it into egg-cups, or into the halves of egg-shells nicely and evenly trimmed, and set it away in a cold place to congeal.
Allow to stand for one hour or more in a cold place.
Add the dressing, which has been well mixed, and allow to stand ten minutes in a cold place.
Sprinkle with sugar and stand in a cold place for an hour before serving.
Repeat this process three times a week for a fortnight, keeping the meat hung in a cold place, and covered, except while you are washing it.
Whip steadily and evenly, and when all is stiff, pour into a mould, previously wet with cold water, and set in a cold place.
When nearly cold, having stirred it every few minutes during the time, flavor it, wash out your mould in cold water, and without wiping it, pour in the custard and set on the ice or in a cold place to harden.
In winter venison can be kept a month; and, in all cases, it should hang in a cold place at least a month before using.
Wine can be used instead of vinegar; and, by straining carefully and keeping in a cold place, the same mixture can be used several times.
They are ready for the table next day, but will keep a fortnight or more in a cold place.
Strain the water in which it was boiled, and put in a cold place.
If corked tightly, this will keep two weeks in a cold place.
The remainder of the gravy must be turned into a flat dish and put in a cold place to harden.
Strain through a napkin, and if not ready to use, put away in a cold place.
Put the jelly into a stone pot and set in a cold place.
Keep lettuce in a cold place; separate the leaves, and place them in cold water until crisp and fresh.
After opening a bottle of vegetable oil, it should be kept in a cold place.
It should not be placed in a cold place or in a draft.
When all is white and stiff, pour into a wet mould, and set in a cold place.
Make more paste than you need, and keep—raw—in a cold place.
Set in a cold place, or on ice over night, and next morning after it is congealed, skim off every particle of fat.
Put away in a cold place for a week, then roll about as thick as a finger.
Shape into croquettes and let stand in a cold place for an hour, then coat with the egg yolk mixed with one tablespoon of water and roll in stale bread crumb dust until well covered.
Dip the mold in cold water before filling; set it in a cold place.
Put into a crock, cover it tightly and set it in a cold place where it will not freeze, but keep perfectly cold.
Put it on an earthen dish, cover it with a cloth and set it in a cold place, in the ice box in summer; let it remain until cold; an hour or more before making out the crust.
Dip some teacups or wine-glasses in cold water and fill them; set in a cold place.
It should be well hung and kept in a dry, cold place.
When killed it should be removed to a cold place as quick as possible, that the fat may set.
The skin must be transparent, that the meat should be seen through; they keep good two or three days in a cold place in summer, nearly a week in winter (with care).
Paste made the day before it is used is much better and easier to manage, and in winter it may be kept for four or five days in a cold place, using from it as required.
When sugar is dissolved, stand it in a cold place.
On a warm day put a few moist lettuce leaves on top of the sandwiches, under the cloth, and put the box in a cold place.
Add hot water or tomato juice to make one cup; add gelatin; allow to cool; cut celery fine, place in mold; pour in the tomato aspic and allow to jelly in a cold place.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cold place" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.