The sixt ship named Utrecht of the burden of two hundreth and sixtie tuns.
The name of the fourth ship was Gelderland, of burden about foure hundreth tuns.
The shippe called the Mauritius, lately returned from that former voyage, being of burden two hundreth and thirty last, or foure hundreth and sixty tunnes, or thereabouts.
The second ship called the Amsterdam, was of the burden of fourhundreth and sixty tuns.
We had to deale with a notable Merchant of Bantam, named Sasemolonke, whose father was a Castilian, which sold vs not much lesse then an hundreth last of pepper.
The third was named Hollandia, about the burden of sixe hundreth tuns: which had likewise been in the former voiage.
The fift was called Zeelandia, of the burden of three hundreth and sixtie tuns.
Of pepper we brought eight hundreth tunnes, of Cloues two hundreth, besides great quantity of Mace, Nutmegs, Cinamom, and other principall commodities.
For vile Ateukin, who so findes him out, Shall haue fiue hundreth markes for his reward.
Reken quod he, naye ye maye reken fyve hundreth mennes names besyde these of sundrye faculties and occupacions whiche wyll promyse more by an ynch of a candle then they wyll performe by a whole pounde.
For one asse alone is able to beare thre hundreth suche bokes, and I thynke suche a great lubber as thou art were stronge inoughe to beare as great a burden, and yf thou had a hansome packesadle sette vpon thy backe.
The year of God a thousand fyve hundreth threscoir thre yearis, thair was ane universall dearth in Scotland.
His army was judged to sevin or aughthundreth men.
Item, To everie Reidar in Hebrew, Greik, and Divinitie, twa hundreth pundis.
Imprimis, For the ordinarie Stipend of the Dialecticiane Reidar, the Mathematiciane, Phisitiane, and Morall Philosophie, we think sufficient ane hundreth pundis for everie ane of thame.
The Lordis war never togidder fyve hundreth horsmen, with a hundreth souldiouris; and yitt thai held the Frenche so busye, that for everie horse thai slew to the Congregatioun, thai lost foure Frenche souldiouris.
Item, For the Stipend of everie Reader in Medicine and Lawis, ane hundreth threttie thre pundis, vi s.
In 1594, King James asked the presbytery of Edinburgh to "procure the leveing of six hundreth footmen, and four hundreth horsemen" to suppress a rebellion; and the presbytery complied with his request.
Likewise Martin Alorcon was appointed Vicar generall of the Inquisition, being accompanied with more then a hundreth Monkes, to wit, Iesuites, Capuchines, and friers mendicant.
Admirall sent thither his long boat with an hundreth choise souldiers vnder the command of Captaine Amias Preston.
In the beginning of the fight shee had but one hundreth free from sicknes, and fourescore and ten sicke, laid in hold vpon the Ballast.
Spanish ship, being of a thousand and fiuehundreth tuns.
And now to mynde there is one olde proverbe come, One bushell of marche dust is worth a kynges raunsome, What is a hundreth thousande bushels worth than?
A plague too--not on my mother for an hundreth pound!
From Vologda to Ieraslaue is two hundreth miles: [Footnote: Rather less; about 160 miles.
And hauing the benefite of this perpetuall light for certaine dayes, at the length it pleased God to bring them into a certaine great Bay, which was of one hundreth miles or thereabout ouer.
For it is no wonder, that the Deuill may delude our senses, since we see by common proofe, that simple juglars will make anhundreth thinges seeme both to our eies and eares otherwaies then they are.
In some part thereof it is full of mountaines, and in other places plaine and smoothe grounde, but euerie where sandie and barren, neither is the hundreth part thereof fruitefull.
Also, if any man disclose their secrets, especially in time of warre, he receiueth an hundreth blowes on the backe with a bastinado, layd on by a tall fellow.
There is aboue an hundrethof Irish men and women that wander about to begge for their lyuing, that hath come ouer within these two yeares.
I would not for a hundreth pound that my dame should knowe that you were here, eyther any els of your house.
And this stonding that there be but tenne houshouldes yn euery parisshe yet are there fiue hundreth thousand and twenty thousand houshouldes.
These be they that haue made an hundreth thousand ydell hores yn your realme whiche wolde haue gotten theyre lyuing honestly, yn the swete of theyre faces had not theyre superfluous rychesse illected theym to vnclene lust and ydelnesse.
One part therfore yn foure hundreth partes deuided were to moche for theim except they did laboure.
So thair was laid an hundreth crounes and ane tun of wyne pandit on everie syd.
Do this, here is two hundreth markes in golde, To harten on your resolution: Two hundreth more, after the deed is done, Ile pay you more for satisfaction.
Sone after sax houris at nycht, war arryved and had casten anker in the Read of Leyth, mo then two hundreth sailles.
And yitt hir Grace feirit nor eschamit not to write, 'Gif thay war ane hundreth Frensche men for everie ane of thame that is in Scotland, yitt thay sould harme na man.
But hear thare is, in this schamefull disconfiture of Scotland, verray few mo then three hundreth men, without knowledge of any back or battell to follow, putt to flight ten thowsand men without resistance maide.
In this formare disconfiture, thare did two hundreth and thretty personis in the skyrmyshe, with sevin thousand following them in the great battell, putt to flyght the said Benhadad with thretty Kingis in his cumpany.
There was of them and their retinues that meant thus to haue gone, fiue hundreth knights, besides yeomen or demilances and other common souldiers in great numbers.
The fryer set his fist to his mouth, And whuted whues three: Halfe a hundreth good band-dogs[37] Came running over the lee.
Which of you can kill a bucke, Or who can kill a doe; Or who can kill a hart of Greece, Five hundreth foot him fro?
Robin Hood set his horne to his mouth, He blew out blasts three; Halfe a hundreth yeomen, with bowes bent, Came raking over the lee.
Will Scadlocke he kild a bucke, And Midge he kild a doe; And Little John kild a hart of Greece, Five hundreth foot him fro.
It appeareth euidentlie that the length thereof is at the least, one hundreth and eightie miles, if it be measured by the iourneies of the land.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundreth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.