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Example sentences for "hummingbirds"

Lexicographically close words:
hummed; hummer; hummers; humming; hummingbird; hummock; hummocks; hummocky; humo; humor
  1. Compared with these polloi pollywogs, Redfins were as hummingbirds to quail.

  2. I was headed toward a distant palm frond beneath whose tip was a nest of Rufous Hermits, for I wished to see the two atoms of hummingbirds at the moment when they rolled from their petit pois egg-shells.

  3. The hermit hummingbirds fasten their elongated nests to one side of the extremity of long-pointed leaves for protection, it is supposed, against monkeys and other predaceous animals.

  4. The high degree of intelligence possessed by the hummingbirds is shown in the construction of their nests.

  5. Mr. Ridgway says: “In their disposition hummingbirds are not only very tame but highly curious or inquisitive, and exhibit a special propensity to closely inspect a human intruder to their domain.

  6. I noticed two hummingbirds almost constantly hovering around the bush among the large yellow flowers.

  7. Such a dainty dress as that worn by most of the hummingbirds deserves constant attention.

  8. In spite of the fact that the hummingbirds are easily tamed and may even be induced to take food from the hand or from a flower so held as to attract their attention, they do not survive confinement for any length of time.

  9. Mr. Audubon tells us that when perching the hummingbirds “move sidewise in prettily measured steps, frequently opening and closing their wings, pluming, stroking and arranging the whole of their apparel with neatness and activity.

  10. I looked toward the carnations, and, sure enough, there were too hummingbirds hovering around the flowers.

  11. One afternoon in riding down the rows, I came face to face with two mites of hummingbirds seated on a branch.

  12. There were a great many hummingbirds in the chaparral, and at a certain point on the road I was several times attacked by one of the pugnacious little warriors.

  13. At first I thought this suspicion reflected upon the good sense of hummingbirds, but after thinking it over concluded that it spoke better for hummingbirds than for Billy and me.

  14. Hummingbirds are there the winged companions of the flowers.

  15. Then the breeze swelled stronger, coming cool and fresh from the ocean; the yellow primroses, around which the hummingbirds whirred, bowed on their stately stalks, and I could hear the wind in the moving treetops.

  16. It is said that, in proportion to their numbers, hummingbirds assist as much as insects in the work of cross-fertilization.

  17. It is one of the largest and most beautiful of the hummingbirds that frequent the United States.

  18. They are the gems of nature, yet one day, in the year 1888, over twelve thousand skins of hummingbirds were sold in London.

  19. After gazing upon these hummingbirds with joy as great as theirs, as they revel like fairies in the profusion of this flowery valley, look upward on the high, grand ridges that close it in.

  20. Let not the fascination of this valley, the songs of birds, the flowers, the hummingbirds glistening among them like gems, the soft outlines of the scenery detain you long.

  21. Hummingbirds are found only in America where they range from Patagonia to Alaska, but the larger part of the some five hundred known species are found in the Andean region of Columbia and Ecuador.

  22. Hummingbirds nests are the most exquisite of birds' homes.

  23. The notes of some tropical Hummingbirds are sufficiently varied to be classed as songs but our species utter only sharp squeaks and excited chipperings.

  24. Only three times was my close watch for visiting hummingbirds rewarded, and those were not at all conclusive.

  25. In neither case was there any show of anger, cries, loud hum, or savage rushes, as I have seen when hummingbirds are on the war-path.

  26. The secret of nest-finding in the case of Hummingbirds lies in the tell-tale wing-buzz of the female as she quits her nest.

  27. Next to the Anna's hummingbird, the Black-chinned is the most conspicuous of all the hummingbirds that frequent southern California.

  28. There is evidently a rivalry between the bees and the hummingbirds in their quest for honey.

  29. It has been stated that hummingbirds invariably lay but two eggs in each set.

  30. Hummingbirds are endowed with highly perfected organs of flight with corresponding muscular development by which they are enabled to sustain themselves on the wing before blossoms whilst rifling them of their contents.

  31. It has been observed that hummingbirds are unlike other birds in their mental qualities, resembling in this respect insects rather than warm-blooded vertebrate animals.

  32. Mr. Gould relates that he once had a stormy altercation with an English gentleman, who affirmed that hummingbirds were found in England, for he had seen one flying in Devonshire, meaning thereby the moth Macroglossa stellatarum.

  33. In the orange groves and other parts, hummingbirds were plentiful, but I did not notice more than three species.

  34. Hummingbirds we did not see at this time, although I afterwards found them by hundreds when certain trees were in flower.

  35. There is not a great variety of hummingbirds in the Amazons region, the number of species being far smaller in these uniform forest plains than in the diversified valleys of the Andes, under the same parallels of latitude.

  36. Hummingbirds eat nothing but tiny insects, and the honey of flowers, which they suck up through their long bill.

  37. Hummingbirds never seem to have any fear of people.

  38. After the bird got to be very tame, the man brought two young hummingbirds and put them in the cage with him.

  39. A lady who had two young hummingbirds told me that they slept so soundly they were like dead birds.

  40. Hummingbirds are never so afraid of people as other birds.

  41. Great flowering trees held out their blossom cups to brilliant hummingbirds hovering by hundreds all about them.

  42. And as for their more distant relatives, the Hummingbirds and Chimney Swifts, it would take a story apiece as long as this to begin to tell of their strange doings.

  43. If we take a peep into the nest when the young hummingbirds are only partly grown, we shall see that their bills are broad and stubby, like those of the swifts.

  44. It can never attain perfection there until hummingbirds are imported, as bumblebees had to be into Australia before the farmers could harvest seed from their clover fields (see red clover).

  45. Hummingbirds have been detected gathering the hairs to line their tiny nests.

  46. What more likely, since hummingbirds are confined to the New World?

  47. I was shown moths of more than thirty centimetres in breadth of wing, and hummingbirds considerably smaller than cockchafers.

  48. Or a host of hummingbirds of nearly a score of species would descend upon the cashew blossoms in the rear compound.

  49. Strange insects fled from the great leaves, lizards whisked past me, hummingbirds whirred close to my face--the very sound seeming to increase the heat.

  50. At one turn a tamarind tree was in full blossom, and here were gathered all the hummingbirds and butterflies of the island, or so it seemed.

  51. I observed closely for one hour and counted one hundred and forty-six hummingbirds coming to the tree.

  52. The next few days made the trees ever memorable: they were the Mecca of all the hummingbirds in the jungle.

  53. We had almost a pure culture of hummingbirds to watch and vainly to attempt to study, for more elusive creatures do not exist.

  54. No creature without a long proboscis or bill could penetrate the chevaux-de-frise of stamens, and to reach the honey the hummingbirds had to probe to their eyes.

  55. By the Anglo-Indians they have been called hummingbirds, but they are perching birds while the hummingbirds are not.

  56. The brilliantly colored patches are unlike those of the hummingbirds for they blend gradually and are not sharply contrasted, though the iridescent character is just as marked.

  57. I used to call those birds Chimney 'Swallows,' but Olive says they are made more like Hummingbirds and Nighthawks than real Swallows," continued Rap.

  58. These Hummingbirds live on honey and very small insects, and dread the cold so that they spend the winter southward from Florida.

  59. These birds feed their young in the same way Hummingbirds and Flickers do; for they give the little ones softened food from the crop, mixed with a sort of milky fluid that also comes from the crop.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hummingbirds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.