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Example sentences for "horse artillery"

  • The artillery comprised two batteries of horse artillery, three of field, and one mountain battery, under Brigadier-General H.

  • Between the two infantry columns were three troops of Horse Artillery, under Captains Phillips, MacBean, and Stephens; these earned Prince Ferdinand's highest praise for their dash and the accuracy of their fire.

  • Beckham’s Horse Artillery, that had been John Pelham’s, having got into position, proceeded to take interest in the forming cavalry.

  • Horse Artillery stood up, rubbed its eyes, and made a speedy toilet.

  • Horse Artillery, from its place of vantage, stared, then softly crowed.

  • There was no cavalry brigade, no horse artillery battery to turn the enemy's entrenchments.

  • There was not cavalry or horse artillery to drive home the blow and keep the foe "on the run.

  • Yet in the European proportion more like 1,500 cavalry were required, with a couple of batteries of horse artillery.

  • It comprised two regiments of cavalry; four regiments of infantry; and a troop of horse artillery—in all about 6000 men.

  • Some days after Cotton’s force had moved down the river, a requisition came for a troop of horse artillery, a detachment of cavalry, and a brigade of infantry.

  • After they had started, General Massy was directed to move out, with a small force of cavalry and a battery of horse artillery, and cooperate with General Macpherson.

  • With them was a mountain battery, a battery of Horse Artillery, one of Royal Artillery, and a battery of 40-pounders, drawn by elephants.

  • A very essential addition was that of the 12th Lancers and of G battery of Horse Artillery, which would increase the mobility of the force and make it possible for the General to follow up a blow after he had struck it.

  • It always came back to Lord Methuen's own complaint about the absence of cavalry and of horse artillery.

  • Fine, too, was the restraint of G Battery of Horse Artillery on the morning after the battle.

  • Ashby, together with Chew's battery of horse artillery, kept the pike the other side of Kernstown.

  • Once he said "Horse Artillery," and once "White Oak Swamp.

  • Macdonald, commanding six troops of Horse Artillery attached to the Cavalry.

  • Commanded a troop of Horse Artillery in the Pa.

  • Was soon after appointed to the command of a troop of Horse Artillery, with which he served until the conclusion of the war.

  • Commanded I troop of Horse Artillery in the Pa.

  • One of the most realistic pictures of the fight at this stage is given by Captain Mercer, in command of a battery of horse artillery.

  • The truth seems to be that the eight battalions were arranged in echelon, and really formed one mass, though in two parallel columns of companies, with batteries of horse artillery on either flank advancing with them.

  • Nothing met the eyes of the astonished French except a wall of smoke, and the battery of horse artillery, at which the gunners were toiling madly, pouring case-shot into the approaching column.

  • The cavalry divisions are composed of three brigades of two regiments each--together with three batteries of horse artillery.

  • I did not want to leave Peshawar, and in the end I had not to do so, as a vacancy most opportunely occurred in one of the troops of Horse Artillery at that station, which was given to me.

  • There I fell in with two other troops of Horse Artillery, and became more than ever enamoured with the idea of belonging to so splendid a service.

  • Here I was joined by Lieutenant George Rodney Brown,[1] a subaltern of Horse Artillery, with whom I chummed at Peshawar.

  • We know that Sale's brigade, the 3d dragoons, and a troop of horse artillery, were to leave Jellalabad for Futteabad on the 6th; which would bring them only fifteen miles nearer to us.

  • Sale writes me, that, in addition to it, he has with him the 3d dragoons and a troop of horse artillery: but it does not appear that they are coming up further.

  • But on February 11, French had barely four thousand eight hundred men, with seven batteries of Horse Artillery at his disposal.

  • Make room for the guns,' passed down the line; and like a fire engine to the rescue, up dashed a section of horse artillery and a pom-pom.

  • At last, by a rapid movement, his cavalry surprised several batteries of the enemy's horse artillery.

  • On the 17th of November, accompanied by a troop of horse artillery, the three regiments commenced their march to the northward.

  • Wymer took with him three regiments of infantry, a troop of horse artillery, and a party of some four hundred mounted men.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horse artillery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being well; had put; horse and; horse artillery; horse could; horse from; horse like; horse manure; horse power; horse racing; horse sense; horse shoe; horse should; horse team; horse thief; horse thieves; horses were; laid waste; leaves ovate; look over; noble family; quite modern; seventieth birthday; should produce; sweet song; verie good