But his mother quéene Elianor and the ladie Berengaria went to Brindize in Puglia, where they were honorablie receiued of Margaret king Tancreds admirall.
At hir comming thither, she was so welcommed and honorablie receiued, first of hir husband, and after of hir father and mother, that she appeared to be no lesse loued of hir noble husband, than of hir deere and naturall parents.
At Calis he was honorabliereceiued by the earle of Warwike lord deputie there, and diuerse other lords sent thither of purpose to attend him.
The duke of Glocester was receiued at Graueling, by the earle Charolois, and by him honorablie conueied to saint Omers, and there lodged that night.
The ambassadors comming to the court of Philip the archduke, were honorablie interteined of him and of his councell, and willed to declare the effect of their message.
Which he did as iustlie performe, as he had honorablie promised, keeping him in prison so long as he liued, and afterwards was beheaded vnder the reigne and commandement of his sonne.
Etheldred, the ladie Elianor wife of prince Edward the kings son, came to London, where she was honorablie receiued of the citizens, & conueied through the citie to S.
Iohn, the two kings with their queenes came to London, where they were honorablie receiued, and so conueied vnto Westminster.
Peter of Sauoie that was uncle to the queene came into England, and was honorablie receiued and interteined of king Henrie, who had giuen to him the earledome of Richmont.
About Michaelmasse queene Dowager of Scotland, that was daughter to Monsieur de Cousie a Frenchman, came through England to returne into France where she was borne, and was of the king honorablie receiued and welcomed.
And thus accompanied, he tooke his course to Gascoigne, & about our ladie day named hir Assumption, he arriued at Burdeaux, where he was of the citizens honorablie receiued.
In this season also Iohn de Bren king of Ierusalem, and the lord great maister of the knights hospitallers came into England, where they were honorablie receiued of king Henrie, and liberally rewarded.
O the patience and clemencie of this good king, who (besides the putting vp of wrongs doone to him by violence of foes without vengeance) freelie forgaue the offenders, and did so honorablie temper his affections!
Sidenote: The king is receiued verie honorablie into the citie of Excester.
His bodie was conueied to Canturburie with great solemnitie, and there honorablie buried.
The duke of Lancaster ambassador for the king, right honorabliereceiued into France.
Sidenote: The duke of Hereford is honorablie interteined with the French king.
There must also be studied and foreséene, that if any charge doo come vpon the king and realme, how it may be honorablie borne and discharged.
About the same time came the duke of Gelderland into this realme, being the kings cousine, a right valiant and hardie gentleman: he was honorablie receiued and welcomed of the king, and of his vncles, the dukes of Lancaster and Glocester.
They were honorablie enterteined, and at their departure princelie rewarded.
Thus with a great rout or companie, and with the clergie, he was honorablie conueied to the abbie of S.
For king Reiner hir father, for all his long stile had too short a pursse to send his daughter honorablie to the king hir spouse.
This noble companie came to the citie of Tours in Touraine, where they were honorablie receiued both of the French king and of the king of Sicill.
Wherfore gratious lord, please it your maiestie roiall, to deliuer such as we will accuse, and they to haue like as they haue deserued: and this doone, you to be honorablie worshipped as most rightfull king and our true gouernour.
This offer seemed so profitable and also honorable to king Henrie and the realme, that the ambassadours were well heard, honorablie receiued, and with rewards sent home into their countrie.
Osberne named Pentecost, and his companion Hugh, were constreined to surrender their castels, and by licence of earle Leofrike withdrew thorough his countrie into Scotland, where, of king Mackbeth they were honorablie receiued.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honorablie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.