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Example sentences for "honest living"

  • He has seen him pictured a savage, sunk in ignorance and vice--an object worthy to receive alms, but incapable of making an honest living.

  • It is my advice that you bring up the boy Ernest to some humble employment, perhaps have him taught some trade by which he can earn an honest living.

  • It is a long time since you earned an honest living.

  • Get a place in the office of some attorney and earn an honest living.

  • This offer I joyfully accepted; and, as I became acquainted in the place, many kind hands were extended to aid me in my efforts to obtain an honest living.

  • She appeared anxious to get some kind of work, was willing to do anything to earn an honest living.

  • She was industrious, willing to do anything to get an honest living.

  • If the labour performed under the "mark" system was either remunerative, or such as a convict might obtain an honest living at when liberated, the system could not be condemned as utterly bad.

  • He willingly accepted any employment that would yield him an honest living.

  • He may not have liked this domination of an inferior race, but he was willing to accept any occupation or employment that would yield him an honest living.

  • After spending two years in that way he went to New York city, where for some time, through the financial panic of 1893, he was employed at whatever he could get to do that would yield an honest living.

  • What I want is a show to earn an honest living, and let the balance of the world reform.

  • Glad to hear it; I am ready for anything to make an honest living.

  • When I was, by the dishonesty of the trustees who had control of my money, reduced to a pauper, I felt that it was my duty to seek some means of earning an honest living.

  • I went from house to house, from one end of Main street to the other, asking at all places for work; and then I went on Front row, and tried every business house for employment, willing to do anything to make an honest living.

  • I soon found occupation, and now I am earning an honest living.

  • Not so with Old Beppo; he tugged all day grinding out dolorous tunes from his old organ, and whether people paid him for grinding, or paid him to stop grinding, all the same Old Beppo thought he was earning an honest living.

  • When homeless boys are found by our agents, we mean to get them homes in the families of respectable, needy persons the city, and put them in the way of an honest living.

  • We let her calm herself a moment, and then told her our plan of finding her a good home, where she could make an honest living.

  • A child in any degree educated and disciplined can easily make an honest living in this country.

  • All accounts showed him to be a very honest, decent, industrious lad--a city vagrant about to be a thief transformed into a country vagrant making an honest living.

  • I ask again why you left Venice, where you could say mass, and preach, and make an honest living, like many priests much better than you?

  • I am twenty-five, have an iron constitution, and a determination to do all in my power to make an honest living; but I can do nothing.

  • At every hour of the day, in all the streets of Vienna, they carried off and took to prison the poor girls who happened to live alone, and very often went out only to earn an honest living.

  • Why place embargo on preparedness to earn an honest living, and at the same time make unblushing bid for the murderous parasite?

  • He has been here nearly all the days of his life, and every day of that time he has earned an honest living.

  • Mayhew," he interrupted himself to call to a spectator on one of the benches, "you know whether Uncle Bobby always earned an honest living.

  • He will be out of mischief there, and it will give him a decent, honest living.

  • Why if all the children in the world stopped believing in wicked giants, and Bogie Man, and witches and bad things generally, they would have to go to work and earn an honest living," said His Terics.

  • It's been so long since I made an honest living that it will go hard at first; but one must eat, and I'm out of a job.

  • Quite apart from his claim on our sympathy as followers of Christ, in the purely selfish light of the interest of the community, it is dangerous to deprive men of the chance of making an honest living.

  • From years of service, he was turned out to face life with but one dollar as capital with which to start in honest living.

  • When he left the prison I do not believe there was an officer who thought it would be possible for him ever to make an honest living.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honest living" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beat thoroughly; done unto; even they; frequent desire; great care; her crew; historical research; honest girl; honest heart; honest industry; honest livelihood; honest living; honest people; honest thought; honest work; honestly believe; laid hold; mile front; never know; noble lords; objective value; other foods; single soul; throat black; wide open; woman whom