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Example sentences for "holstered"

Lexicographically close words:
holped; holpen; holsom; holsome; holster; holsters; holts; holy; holyday; holydays
  1. Unbuckling it, he stepped back into the barroom and laid the two-holstered guns and the belt on the table.

  2. He clicked the safety on his Uzi on and off and on, then holstered it.

  3. As the elevator door opened, his Uzi was still holstered just below his right hip and in his hands was the box of detonators, all carefully secured in their beds of bubble-wrap.

  4. At the second, the doors and windows were smashed and when Slim holstered his gun, the place was a wreck.

  5. Outriders with six-guns holstered on their belts and Winchesters cradled in their arms.

  6. He thumbed the safety on and holstered the pistol.

  7. Trask thumbed on the safety and holstered the pistol, and looked at the body on the concrete.

  8. Around Powell's waist were strapped two Silver Belts, and a cartridge belt with a holstered .

  9. The rat-king then graciously draped the cartridge-belt and holstered automatics around the shoulders of the metal-collared leader who had captured Powell.

  10. He took one look at Case, and reached for the holstered weapon at his side.

  11. He hitched at his holstered gun and started moving through the ferns.

  12. To allow himself the free use of his hands, he holstered both his guns.

  13. He holstered one of his guns and swooped up the pile of money from the center of the table.

  14. He holstered his gun, watching Kid Wolf cunningly, and drew back a little to give himself leeway with his whip.

  15. Paying no more attention to him, Kid Wolf holstered his own smoking .

  16. The young newcomer's bullet had struck the butt of the holstered gun and smashed it to bits.

  17. Then he climbed down onto the road and Dave saw him slide his hand toward his holstered gun.

  18. He kept one hand on his holstered Luger automatic and came up to Dave and Freddy.

  19. His right hand now rested on his thigh near the holstered gun.

  20. Then without a word he unbuckled his cartridge belt which held his holstered gun, untied the strap about his thigh and laid the belt with the weapon upon the table.

  21. He made an eye-baffling practice draw with the stun-pistol, then holstered it and started down the spiral stairway to the office below.

  22. He holstered his pistol and caught that up, stuffing it into his pocket, in obedience to an instinct to grab anything that looked like intelligence matter while in the enemy's country.

  23. He holstered his own Colt and pocketed the unknown weapon.

  24. The German major glared at the English youth and fingered his holstered Luger.

  25. When the car stopped, the major jumped out and ran toward the plane, one hand on his holstered service automatic.

  26. Then he stepped hack and mechanically holstered his gun which he had pulled as he spoke to Cotton.

  27. Then he dismounted and striding up to within ten yards of the man-target, holstered his gun and stood for a moment as still as a stone itself.

  28. When Loudon holstered his six-shooter the bartender replaced the sawed-off shotgun on the hooks behind the bar.

  29. He was not dressed like any of the other people whom Hradzka had seen; he wore a gray tunic and breeches, polished black boots, and a cap with a visor and a metal insignia on it; on a belt, he carried a holstered weapon like a blaster.

  30. Hradzka holstered his weapon and crept away for some distance, keeping under cover, then turned and waited for some sign of the presence of his enemies.

  31. Before the inertia of his fall had given way, his right hand, only a split second before in the grip of the other, was fumbling for the 9 mm Noiseless holstered at his belt.

  32. Dave Moroka leaped to his feet, his hand tearing with blurring speed for his holstered hand gun.

  33. Duomart holstered the gun and attached the holster to her belt.

  34. She hesitated an instant, then opened a console drawer, took out the kwil needle Dasinger had left with her and slipped it into a pocket, clipped the holstered shocker back to her belt, and reached for the controls.

  35. She stood, brushing off her trousers, then reloaded and holstered her pistol.

  36. He holstered it as he pulled his horse to a stop, looking disappointed.

  37. Lynton crossed the room in five long strides, swung open the weapon locker and grabbed hold of a holstered hand-gun instead.

  38. He holstered his pistol and snatched up his submachine-gun, taking cover behind the edge of the door and letting go with a burst in the direction of the lifter tubes.

  39. Then he took a belt, with a knife and holstered pistol, from a servant who had brought it to him, and gave it to the man with the red badge.

  40. The commodore headed briskly down the narrow passageway, his big holstered gun slapping his thigh with every step.

  41. Quillan nodded, went on into his living room, selected a gun belt and holstered gun from a suitcase, fastened the belt around his waist under the coat, and came out.

  42. As a test he unloaded and holstered the pistol.

  43. He holstered his own gun, then bent and picked up Yuma's weapon.

  44. He noticed also that their hands were on the butts of their holstered six-guns.

  45. He swung around, his hand dropping to his holstered blaster, and looked into the green, mocking eyes of a tawny-haired girl.

  46. Then he picked up his own revolver and holstered it.

  47. When he found neither, he holstered his temporary weapon.

  48. Ritter holstered the Beretta and got out a cigarette.

  49. Both hands leaped downward for the holstered pistols in his belt.

  50. She went back for her sun hat, climbed in, closed the door and sat down beside him, shoving the holstered Denton forward on her thigh.

  51. He was carrying a holstered gun, as a matter of fact; but he usually did that nowadays anyway.

  52. The girl bit her lip in moderate annoyance, safetied and holstered the gun and waved her hand left-right at the range attendant to indicate she was finished.

  53. Levi lovingly stroked the handles of his six holstered pistols, three on each side of his belt.

  54. He took his own, reloaded, from Armand and holstered it, hoping no one could see his tremor.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holstered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.