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Example sentences for "heirlooms"

Lexicographically close words:
heire; heires; heiress; heiresses; heirloom; heirs; heirship; heis; heiss; heisst
  1. And inside that innocent piece of luggage reposed the glory of his uncle's family, the heirlooms of four centuries!

  2. No wonder Aunt Sophia had seemed peevish, for they were the treasured heirlooms of her husband's family, cherished and guarded by her with anxious eye.

  3. There tottered the old homestead which had passed through the family for generations, filled with heirlooms that had become sacred.

  4. Their family carriages look wise and venerable--heirlooms embalmed by generations gone.

  5. There are several other families in the village whose ancestry runs back as far as the Gileses'; and they have about them as many heirlooms to remind them of it.

  6. These are the only American heirlooms still readily available.

  7. Apple or Lemon are similar novelty heirlooms that make very extensive vines with aggressive roots and should be given a foot or two more elbow room.

  8. Propagated by centuries of isolated homesteaders, heirlooms that survived did so because these superior varieties helped the gardeners' better-nourished babies pass through the gauntlet of childhood illnesses.

  9. Since I've become water-wiser, I'm interested in finding and conserving heirlooms that once supported large numbers of healthy Americans in relative self-sufficiency.

  10. The old heirlooms like Black Zucchini (ABL) (not Black Beauty!

  11. These swords are handed down as heirlooms from father to son, and become almost a part of the wearer's own self.

  12. And because of Arlo Junior and a bunch of cats she had forgotten all about her mother's miniature and all the other heirlooms in the treasure-box!

  13. It contained certain heirlooms and trinkets that had been her mother's, and were now Janice's most sacred possessions.

  14. If Olga or the cab driver had stolen the box of heirlooms it seemed that all trace of their whereabouts had been skillfully covered.

  15. Miss Peckham and her search for her Sam was, of course, a small matter compared to the loss of the treasure-box and the heirlooms in it.

  16. The stroke that had been the hardest for her to bear since her mother's death was the loss of the treasure-box and the heirlooms in it.

  17. It always sends one or the other of them skipping, for they feel the responsibility of preserving such heirlooms for posterity.

  18. Then Gay laid it solemnly beside the silver heirlooms as one of the things "to be carried out first in case of fire.

  19. Whatever may have come over afterward, there were none of the heirlooms to be seen to-day, in the shape of family portraits, and plate, china or heavily carved mahogany or oak furniture.

  20. There were family portraits and heirlooms brought from the old home in Lincolnshire; a library of nearly eight hundred volumes, many of them rare editions difficult to replace, as well as her own special books and papers.

  21. Such things can be traced, and can be held as heirlooms without imposing too great difficulties on their guardians.

  22. Crown jewels are heirlooms in the same way, as representing not the possession of the sovereign, but the time-honoured dignity of the Crown.

  23. Coke says, that heirlooms are so by custom, and not by law.

  24. Successor; and when there are such heirlooms they go to the heir by special custom.

  25. That last Sir Florian had therefore been the fourth in succession from the old Sir Florian by whom the will had been made, and who had directed that these jewels should be regarded as heirlooms in the family.

  26. If all the children inherit rice fields, the heirlooms and personal property are divided in accordance with the laws of primogeniture that apply to real estate.

  27. If there be children that inherit no rice fields, a slight compensation is made them by giving them a larger share of the heirlooms and personal property than would fall to their lot otherwise.

  28. This inconvenience, however, steadily decreased as they came out of the disturbing region of the Black Magnet, until finally these ancient heirlooms of Mrs. Quayle's regained their natural composure.

  29. But in this instance it hardly explained the eccentric activity that had suddenly developed among the ancient heirlooms that she guarded so jealously.

  30. It is always well to open them, for who knows what valuable heirlooms may be hidden inside.

  31. Every piece in this house is genuine, for they all are heirlooms or pieces that have been carefully chosen, since the owner is an expert in determining period and correct types.

  32. To-day, so great has grown the demand, people who before were unaware of the worth of their heirlooms have been led to overestimate their value and they now ask fabulous sums for pieces hitherto neglected and ignored.

  33. As the world grows older and the ages recede, the richer, the more precious, the more fragile, become the ancient heirlooms of humanity.

  34. Such books as these would form the dearest heirlooms of a family, helping to knit its bonds firmer, and giving an insight into individual character which would supplement the more tangible data for the pedigree in a most valuable way.

  35. In addition to all this grandeur, the balconies of the great houses lining the route of the processions display priceless heirlooms of embroideries, hanging before each window from basement to roof.

  36. It was the triumph of the people, and their heirlooms do not take the form of priceless embroideries.

  37. Horses were stabled in the temples, and the art heirlooms of thousands of years of the nation's life to be found therein were frequently mutilated and destroyed when they were not stolen.

  38. The furniture throughout the house is of either the colonial type or massive old carved English pieces brought over centuries ago, most of them heirlooms that have descended in the family for many generations.

  39. Most of these pieces, in fact practically all, are heirlooms which have descended directly from generation to generation, for this family has the distinction of being one of the oldest connected with Salem's early history.

  40. The jay screams through the chestnut wood; The crisped and yellow leaves around Are hue and texture of my mood, And these rough burs my heirlooms on the ground.

  41. They took pleasure in exhibiting the many heirlooms which were in the possession of the family and enjoyed hearing a recitation of the bright stories of the day.

  42. No doubt by day it was a little sombre, as all basements are, but at night with its great crystal chandeliers, and the glitter of heirlooms that had gone into exile, it surpassed the splendour of palaces that have only one king.

  43. The Maories cling to them as sacred heirlooms of past generations, and with some superstitious reverence.

  44. Many famous tribal heirlooms are hidden and lost to posterity.

  45. This gave him an impulse of curiosity toward any heirlooms in the way of china and pottery to be found among the farmers' wives in the section of New England he traversed; and his activities soon had their reward.

  46. Yet the fact that they are among the oldest heirlooms of the human race does not detract in the least from their value as indices to character.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heirlooms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.