We are the most considerable state in the Bund--the Hegemony is secured to us, but that is not enough.
And that was not a society of peoples, but a rough approximation to the hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon nations.
It is a less odious hegemony than that of imperialist Germany would have been, but it is a hegemony and odious.
Is it to be wondered at that there are so many discontented people or that some of them are already casting about for an alternative to the Anglo-Saxon hegemony misnamed the Society of Nations?
Mr. Lloyd George harbored schemes which naturally identified the welfare of mankind with the hegemony of the English-speaking races.
In a word, French sympathy for the victims of British hegemony waxed as strong as the British fellow-feeling for the Syrians, who objected to be drawn into the orbit of the French.
And yet it was the motive for several, for although no allusion was made to the hegemony of Anglo-Saxondom, it was ever operative in the subconsciousness of the two plenipotentiaries.
In a word, it is to be the hegemonyof the Anglo-Saxon race.
You may hinder Germany, they argued, from acquiring the hegemony of the world, but not from becoming the principal factor in European evolution.
Politically, both Russia and Bulgaria aiming at the same thing, the possession of Constantinople and the hegemony of the Balkan peninsula, their relations were bound to be difficult.
The objects of the Magyars were twofold--to attain the hegemony of the Balkan peninsula by conquering all the still independent Serb territories, and to bring the peninsula within the pale of Rome.
Apart from the question as to whether the Counter-Reformation was good or bad, was there nothing akin to hegemony in Loyola or the Council of Trent?
German Empire, under thehegemony of Prussia, was a reality.
Its commerce and wealth were so great, and its prestige as capital of the county so influential, that it exercised a veritable hegemony over the other towns.
Toward the close of the seventeenth century Spain's hegemony in the world of letters began to be supplanted by the rising power of France.
He had established a practical hegemony over the East Anglians, the Mercians of the Trent Valley, the South Saxons, East Saxons, and even the West Saxons (cf.
The hegemony which the West-Saxon Ceaulin had possessed (v.
Empire, and because the German hegemony in Europe was safe enough without shedding a drop of blood.
Teutonic (germanisch) stock, under the hegemony of the German people.
If successful, this strategy will prevent Germany from bidding yet again for a position of hegemony in Europe by establishing a "German Union" separate from the EU.
Furthermore, Germany is in the process of obtaining hegemony over the EU by applying the political weight commensurate with its economic and demographic might.
Their party, to accentuate the hegemony of the city, is generally called 'the Praguers' by the old chroniclers, in distinction both from the Romanists and the Taborites.
His influence largely contributed to securing to Prague the hegemony over Bohemia, and after his downfall and death, to which I shall presently refer, Prague soon lost its predominant position.
One of the most important results of the battles of the Zizkov and of the Vysehrad was the temporary hegemony over Bohemia, or at least the greatest part of the country, which the city of Prague obtained.
Bismarck had consented to the convention of Gastein in order to gain time to prepare the ground for the supreme struggle with Austria for the hegemony of Germany.
In reality it was far more, because it gave the hegemony of continental Europe to Prussia.
Yet, despite the importance which sound acquires in poetry, it never achieves first place; it never becomes independent, as in music; but shares hegemony with the other aspects of the word.
Meanwhile, the marvellous material growth of the Argentine Republic began to make Chileans doubt if their country could retain that military and naval hegemonywhich she had possessed since her great victories over Peru and Bolivia.
In the ceaseless strife between the old English kingdoms, therefore, it was the personality of the king which was the main factor in determining the hegemony of one state over another.
It was not so, AEthelbald in his old age lost his hegemony at the battle of Burford (752), and was murdered a few years after by his own people.
Plans for Economic and Political Hegemony in China," cited, p.
Control of the richest water-conservancy region meant the hegemony of China.
Nyi, "Plans for Political and Economic Hegemony in China"; this includes a full administrative description of the Border Region, p.
He sees that the ultimate hegemony of Winchester over Britain all grew from this early picking up of communications with the Continent and the cutting off of everything in this island save the South and East from the common life of Europe.
The Greek City States had just been swept under the hegemony of Macedon, when, in the shape of small but invincible armies, the common Greek culture under Alexander overwhelmed the East.
Any other solution, besides being entirely incompatible with our own dignity, would assuredly have upset the European balance of power by securing the hegemony of Germany.
She aimed at overthrowing the present status quo in the Balkans, and establishing her own hegemony there.
Russia considered that the humiliation of Serbia, involved in these demands, and equally the evident intention of Austria-Hungary to secure her own hegemony in the Balkans, which underlay her conditions, were inadmissible.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hegemony" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.