Phisiciens and advocates Gon right by the same yates; They selle hir science for winning, And haunte hir crafte for greet geting.
Aduise you wel whan ye take your disporte Honest games / that ye haunte ande vse [Sidenote: Play only at proper games.
Haunte skilfully landed the boat on this platform.
While Maskull was still watching them disappear, Haunte came rushing out of the cavern, followed by Corpang.
Soon afterward, by silent consent, they began to walk the ledge, Hauntein front.
The ledge still rose, but, on turning a corner of the cliff, Haunte quitted it and began to climb a steep gully, which mounted directly to the upper heights.
Maskull spoke to himself, but Haunte answered him.
Haunte came last; grasping the staff which held the upper male stone, he proceeded to erect it, after removing the cap.
Haunte suddenly dropped on his knees, and kissed her lips.
Haunte pointed to the hanging flesh and to the liquor skins, but did not pause in his chewing.
Haunte pulled him, and said, "My head feels as if it were being torn from my shoulders.
She thrust Haunte away, rose to her feet, and stared beneath bent brows at the three men, each one in turn.
Haunte set down the two male stones on the ground, near the farther door; their light illuminated the whole cave.
The boat began an ascent of many thousands of feet and, as the cliffs were near, Haunte had to manoeuvre carefully with the rear light in order to keep clear of them.
Before he had time to resume his seat, Haunte and Maskull reappeared.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haunte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.