There is one lady-reporter, Mrs Umpelbaum told me, who has made quite a leading position for herself, solely through hairdressers and American dentists.
I know now how that lady-reporter manages with the hairdressers and dentists.
We Hairdressers wish our condition to better, And get our fair share of rest, leisure, and fun.
If he'll but get fixed before five on a Saturday, We poor Hairdressers may get just a chance Of an hour or two's pleasure or rest on the latter day; Prospect to make many dreary eyes dance!
Perhaps there was a spice of flattery in such a situation--for it cannot fall to the lot of many hairdressers to be thus distinguished--but Leander was far too much alarmed to appreciate it.
But I am here, sir, to rest my brain and refresh my body, not to deliver peripatetic lectures to hairdressers on Grecian mythology.
Was it possible that once Lady Sellingworth had been like that, ceaselessly on the lookout for worship, requiring it as a right, even from men who were hairdressers in the daytime?
At this moment the adoring eyes of the three musicians who were "hairdressers in the daytime" focussed passionately upon Miss Van Tuyn, distracted her attention.
The coffee was delicious, and thehairdressers put their souls into their guitars.
Even the hairdressers had it, and ladies' maids had been instructed by the footmen and grooms who had been holding horses and seated on the coach-boxes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hairdressers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.