But no country can be gulledtwice in so short a period.
Well, dad, I sincerely trust that your hopes will be realised, and that England will consent to be gulled again for the benefit of a few.
Rosicrucian's secret of life's renewal, in whom, but an hour or two ago, my fancies gulled my credulous trust!
I havegulled him once, and I'll come over him again and again, I warrant ye.
She said she would whip me again if ever I talked again of the follies that the fortune-telling woman hadgulled me with, for if they were not deceits, they were worse.
Mr Vanslyperken was overjoyed at the corporal's explanation, and the corporal was equally delighted at having so easily gulled his superior.
I am not to be gulled by any smile or vow, and I have set myself to make one long entertainment of my life.
I am not to be gulled by a sermon worthy of Swedenborg, nor by your Oriental amulet, nor yet by your charitable endeavors to keep me in a world wherein existence is no longer possible for me.
Indeed, the most notorious frauds and charlatans who brought psychical studies into disrepute have had the honour of "performing" before His Majesty, and have even received decorations from the hands of the gulled Emperor.
At first she brought out her speech with difficulty, then to rise to torrent force--"Cheated, gulled by the hereditary foe!
He felt that he had been gulled during the whole of his intercourse with this old fool.
So Josephine had not only gulled her husband, but him, too; she had refused him the sad consolation of knowing he had a child.
Don't make me tear my bleeding heart out: must I tell you how often I caught them together, how I suspected, and how she gulled me?
The gentleman, more relieved at the sight of Peele alive and well than grieved at being cheated out of his money, accepted George’s invitation, and gull and gulled had a merry supper together off roast larks and canary.
So over the blue sea she passed to the West, and what became of her there, whether there she gulled the Americans into believing her to be an English countess or marchioness, is unknown.
The only marvel is, that men of sense can be gulled by such professions.
I cannot omit a subtlety of one of those quack operators with which he gulled the poor people to crowd about him, but did nothing for them without money.
Yes, sir, it was the very simplicity of it that gulled 'em.
The earnest but easily-gulled committee carefully adjusted their useless pads of cotton and their thick bandage over my eyes, and I was led forth to the fray.
I know that you must think all ill of me, that you must feel yourself gulled and cheated.
I cannot omit a subtility of one of those quack operators, with which hegulled the poor people to crowd about him, but did nothing for them without money.
Mine eyes, that are not to be gulled by what men say, seeing this many a year what they do, in all the lands I travel.
Now 'tis our custom in this land, when we have slain the innocent by hearkening to false knaves like thee, not to blame our credulous ears, but the false tongue that gulled them.
I am very glad You are not gulled by all this swaggering; you Can see the root of the matter!
Now, the three classes first noticed, you will observe, are precisely the same tobacco; but knowing how the public are gulled by the appearance, the prices are very different.
They presented the good man fictitious statements, with which they gulled him.
France, almost without diplomatists since Talleyrand, has never possessed one more easilygulled than this little man.