I'll gie thee all these milk-whyt steids, That prance and nicher at a speir; With as mekle gude Inglis gilt, As four of their braid backs dow beir.
Gif my gude lord war here this night, As he is with King Charlie, 30 Neither you, nor ony ither Scottish Lord, Durst awow to the plundering of Airlie.
Gude Edderstane was not to lack,[L149] Nor Kirktoun, Newton, noble men!
He was paid for the foal he had never lost, And three times ower for the gude GRAY MARE.
He was a gude man, and may the Lord deal mercifully wi' him!
Gil Morice sate in gude grene wode, He whistled and he sang: O what mean a' the folk comìng, My mother tarries lang.
In gude greenwud whare I was born, And all my friends left me forlorn.
I got ze in my father's house, Wi' mickle sin and shame; I brocht thee up in gude grene wode, Under the heavy rain.
My message winna waite; Dame, ze maun to the gude grene wod Before that it be late.
Naebody would tell you that Lady Jean and Pollock, the Covenantin' minister, are as gude as man and wife.
Gude knows, my ears are weel accustomed to the clatter of the camp, and it's no a coarse word here or there would offend Jock Grimond.
It's a gude hope then, my lord, for the bairn is juist bye-ordinary.
I wish to God I be as far frae the truth this time as I was last time, but there is some thin' gaein' on in the camp that bodes nae gude to yersel', and through you to the cause.
Gude nicht to ye,' said Robert, with the fiddle-case under his arm.
Because he wad be as gude and great and grand as ever.
But gin we gang to the gude place, we'll be a' innocent, willna we, grannie?
And ye micht say 't wi' a gude conscience, for he wadna hae been piper till 's regiment at the battle o' Culloden gin he hadna pipit weel.
He said a hantle aboot the care o' Providence, but a' the gude that he did seemed to me to be but a haudin' aff o' something ill that he had made as weel.
I hae seen mony a ane dee that cud hae no faith i' the Saviour; but I never saw that fear that some gude fowk wud hae ye believe maun come at the last.
Ye hae aye been gude to me--better nor I deserved.
He yearns toward Martha Gudewith all his heart, longs for the peace and rest and purity she could have brought into his life, and yet he can not tear himself loose from the passion that binds his soul and senses.
Naebody'll gar me believe that the stock yer leddyship and me cam o' was na a capital gude stock.
Gude Sir Allexander Irving, The much renownit laird of Drum, Nane in his days was bettir sene, Quhen they war semblit all and sum.
You'll tak your gude sword in your hand, And ye'll gang in wi' me.
Be quick in front, my gude man; let's be off; we've lost time enough with the snow already.
Remember, he that has gudecrops may thole some thistles.
Ay, it is gude to see young faces when we are auld; but I think ye will find your hours nane too lang, neebor McPherson.
He has had mair o' your care than is gude for him.
And though his was a life of unremitting toil and care, he daily found cause to say, "Praise the gude Lord!
If ye had minded the gude Ward ye wouldna hae let the sun go down on your wrath; ye would hae thought yoursel about laying the matter before your uncle.
Ye ken as weel as ony ane that it is gude whiskey we keep; and a drap o' gude whiskey hurts naebody.
Jamie likes to gang oot in the warld, and muckle can be said in his praise, for he is as gude a mon as I could wish, forbye his learning.
Pray to the great and gude Father that he will guide your feet in wisdom's ways, which are ways of pleasantness, and in her paths, which are paths of peace.
But God has shawn me that it is pride, and not wisdom, that refuses the help that gude men offer to their struggling fellow-men.
I will get a coo; it willna cost muckle to keep her, and the milk will be gude for the bairns.
Donald is a clever lad, and would gie you a gude hame; and a' would be your ain when his faither and mither are gane.
Wullie will soon bring a wife hame; and it is weel that the lassies hae sic gude prospects o' hames o' their ain.
Toddy cheap an' unco' gude if 'tis his ain mackin.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words: gude green; gude lord