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Example sentences for "green grass"

  • Grass cut somewhat green, and properly cured, is next to fresh, green grass in palatable, nutritive qualities.

  • Hay cut and thoroughly moistened becomes more succulent and nutritive, and partakes more of the nature of green grass.

  • Green grass is more nutritious than hay, which always loses somewhat of its nutritive properties in curing; the amount of the loss depending chiefly on the mode of curing, and the length of exposure to sun and rain.

  • Feed carrots, green grass, if possible, also hot bran mashes or steam rolled oats each morning.

  • Feed with care--green grass, in medium quantity, and vegetables are cooling to the blood, easily digested and exert a slight laxative effect.

  • The words indicate an invitation to the dance similar to those in "Cushion Dance," "Green Grass.

  • All sing-- Green grass suits us, As my boots are lined with silver; E.

  • Nice white farmhouse with green blinds and a garding and white ducks and all the rest of it--Green grass!

  • They had growed up in homes, nice clean homes, with mothers--green grass!

  • Where got you this comb that was set in a dead maid's hair, and buried with her beneath the green grass?

  • Your joy is turned to mourning, for your bride lies under the green grass, and her sister goes weeping in the moonlight to pour the water of the dead.

  • Nothing at all did he find, but a wilderness of ancient graves, with nettles overgrown and the waving green grass.

  • Obeying her call, he trotted be sidle her, past strange trees growing on stretches of fresh, green grass.

  • He woke to see waving palms, green grass, flowers, and the warm sunshine of a land where there is never any snow.

  • She sat down slowly on the soft, green grass, still with a mutinous pout on her lips, and her eyes turned coldly away from him.

  • With the words, the white paper flutters in her whiter fingers, there is a sound of tearing paper, and the old millionaire's will flutters in a heap of snowy fragments on the soft, green grass.

  • Patches of green grass in the ravines on the steep sides marked the presence of springs, and the summits were clad with pines.

  • Towards evening the sages became more sparse, and the clear spaces were occupied by tufts of green grass.

  • Green grass began to make its appearance, and occasionally we passed a hill scatteringly covered with it.

  • On the banks are stretches of gray-green grass bordered by holly-bushes.

  • Through the valley ran a small glistening stream, a mere ribbon of water, threading its way among rocks and boulders and vivid stretches of green grass.

  • A Dis, a Dis, a Green Grass~," is so simple it is a favourite generally with very little ladies.

  • It was not long before she flew up with a nervous chirp, revealing a pretty domicile under a roof of green grass, with four daintily speckled eggs on the concave floor.

  • The Maidan was pretty--a pleasant plain of green grass, beautifully framed with distant jungle and mountains.

  • Nice, sweet, green grass that I, myself, cut off the lawn.

  • Over in one corner were piled some cards, with pretty pictures on them, and near them was a small basket, filled with what seemed to be green grass, in which were hidden many small candy eggs.

  • But he's got a green grass stain on one ear," said Mirabell.

  • Yet as he lay pressing his face against the cool, green grass, and clutching the soft, damp moss with his hands, it was not sorrow or pain he felt, but only a bitter longing for revenge.

  • The cave was the entrance to Nibelheim the dark, little town beneath the glad, green grass.

  • No hunters went there, for the Cyclôpes owned neither ships nor boats, so that many goats roamed unharmed through the woods and cropped the fresh green grass.

  • At last he threw himself down beneath a great oak, burying his face in the cool, green grass.

  • One of them was rolling about, while the other was cropping the new light-green grass.

  • The soil here was moist and soft, overgrown with dark-green grass, moss, and ferns.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "green grass" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great lawyer; green cloth; green color; green corn; green eyes; green fields; green fire; green flame; green hair; green light; green morocco; green satin; green things; green tint; green tree; green water; green wood; greenish colour; greenish tinge; greenish yellow; half ounce; her that; incredible number; nitrogenous substance; not knowing; reserve fund