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Example sentences for "green eyes"

  • The blue-green eyes sparkled, and the white teeth shone between the red lips.

  • As the Princess drew near to Phyllis the brown eyes of the one met the blue-green eyes of the other.

  • I placed my hands against her temples, and turned her head around so that those blue-green eyes, humid and tearful, looked into mine.

  • Black-browed and black-lashed, he had the luminous blue-gray-green eyes of the colleen.

  • Her light, gray-green eyes had a petulant look; her thin, red lips a petulant droop.

  • Flame seemed burst from her gray-green eyes, sparks to shoot to from her tawny head.

  • From the description, it might be Green Eyes.

  • Green Eyes, Jensie Jameson, and that boy who sometimes rides in the 'Spank Me Again'!

  • There were shadows under her grave, gray-green eyes.

  • Under dark, uncared-for eyebrows were grayish-green eyes, their expression made unfriendly by her habit of narrowing them.

  • He had met women with red hair and white skin and gray-green eyes before--women far, far more seductive than Jason's ward.

  • There was a look in his great gray-green eyes, a look of the accusing angel, that made her hang her head while the dark red burned upon her whole body.

  • Winchie, seated between his father and mother, took up his knife and raised it threateningly against his father, his gray-green eyes ablaze.

  • Her mother's gray-green eyes looked at her--simply looked.

  • Then she slowly raised her gray-green eyes and he saw that they were troubled, in spite of the passion that lay in their depths.

  • That is still in the lap of the gods," and she made him the slightest curtsey, and went with a bundle of receipts to the cupboard in the wall, while her grey-green eyes laughed at him over her shoulder.

  • She hardly ever spoke, and when she did raise her sullen greyish-green eyes with a question in them, you were wiser to answer it without too much palaver.

  • Helen's green eyes seemed to narrow and concentrate on Lane.

  • It pleased him to see Helen's green eyes dilate, to see Bessy Bell shudder.

  • Leonie's scarlet mouth trembled, and her yellow-green eyes gleamed as the man she loved pressed both her hands in his against his coat, until the high relief of the button was marked upon her skin, even through her glove.

  • I woke one night in a pitch dark room and saw two green eyes staring at me from the wall.

  • Once she whispered, "Green eyes, a hundred pairs of green eyes.

  • Ghosts, witches, green eyes, they all vanish at dawn.

  • The author of The Silver Poppy would have opened her gray-green eyes in wonder had she read those sheets which he flung off under his quick, nervous pen.

  • Amaryllis turned to the Russian and was startled by the expression of fierce, sardonic amusement in his yellow-green eyes.

  • His yellow-green eyes gleamed in a curious way as he stood looking at the mutilated picture.

  • Verisschenzko threw himself into the opposite chair, his yellow-green eyes full of a mocking light.

  • As he spoke, Carse saw the Eurasian's green eyes narrow, and in the pause that followed he knew that the swift, trained mind behind those eyes was working.

  • An enigmatic light glimmered in the Eurasian's green eyes as they watched the Negro go to the switchboard and put thumb and forefinger on the control.

  • Soon the eyelids quivered and slowly opened--and a great change was immediately visible in the man's green eyes.

  • Perhaps the apparition of green eyes looking up to my window from the lane below, which on the night of my arrival I had relegated to the limbo of dreamland, had been verity and not phantasm.

  • It had disturbed him to see that tired look in her odd deep-green eyes.

  • His sleepy, grey-green eyes twinkled, his white teeth showed in the laugh.

  • A V-shaped vein swells and darkens between the handsome grey-green eyes and on the broad forehead, white as a girl's where the sun-tan leaves off.

  • Who was ever really enamoured of Hera the snowy-armed or Pallas of the sea-green eyes?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "green eyes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    green cloth; green colour; green door; green dress; green eyes; green fields; green flame; green hair; green hill; green light; green meadow; green morocco; green paint; green peppers; green satin; green tomatoes; green water; green wood; greenhouse plant; greenish color; greenish tinge; greenish white; greenish yellow; indentured servants; money should; school children