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Example sentences for "great curiosity"

  • I have a great curiosity to see Mrs. Elton, I have heard so much of her.

  • I have a great curiosity to know what Mr Elliot was as a very young man.

  • I have by me a Letter which I look upon as a great Curiosity, and which may serve as an Exemplification to the foregoing Passage, cited out of this most excellent Prelate.

  • My Love of Solitude, Taciturnity, and particular way of Life, having raised a great Curiosity in all these Parts.

  • One day he said: “Mr. Barnum, I am going to Moriches this morning, and I want you to go along with me and see a great curiosity there is there.

  • All Europe was a great curiosity shop to me and I willingly paid my money for the show.

  • On the fourth day of our pilgrimage, we lay in the suburbs of Aix, but did not enter the city, which I had a great curiosity to see.

  • In the next place we shall introduce a subject of great curiosity, well known by the name of THE SILK-WORM.

  • An article of great curiosity is, THE SHIP-WORM.

  • After they had been for some time an object of great curiosity, they were removed by governmental order, being considered a presage of evil.

  • He adds that the deprivation of light for several years renders the child a great curiosity, if in conjunction its growth is dwarfed by means of food and drugs, and its vocal apparatus destroyed.

  • And to us soon returned my Buzz of great curiosity.

  • And I was of a great curiosity at the anxiety in her face about the movements of my Capitaine, the Count de Lasselles.

  • And it seems she had a great curiosity to see that spot again and started out without saying a word to any one.

  • I wanted him to fight; I had a great curiosity to see the stuff that was in him," she explained.

  • I'm not a tattletale, you know, and moreover I have a great curiosity to get to the end of the story.

  • We were objects of great curiosity to the natives.

  • The ruins of these edifices and their walls are still to be seen, and are said to be a great curiosity.

  • I had a great curiosity to understand this mysterious transaction, and fortunately I met with a person who was able to explain it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great curiosity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    first night; great actor; great affliction; great book; great captain; great concern; great convenience; great cost; great distances; great error; great iron; great light; great moment; great mountain; great oath; great scale; great shock; great show; great time; great trees; great while; greater depth; greater number; greater pleasure; greatly admired; greatly magnified