I have a great curiosity to see Mrs. Elton, I have heard so much of her.
I have a great curiosity to know what Mr Elliot was as a very young man.
I have by me a Letter which I look upon as a great Curiosity, and which may serve as an Exemplification to the foregoing Passage, cited out of this most excellent Prelate.
My Love of Solitude, Taciturnity, and particular way of Life, having raised a great Curiosity in all these Parts.
One day he said: “Mr. Barnum, I am going to Moriches this morning, and I want you to go along with me and see a great curiosity there is there.
All Europe was a great curiosity shop to me and I willingly paid my money for the show.
On the fourth day of our pilgrimage, we lay in the suburbs of Aix, but did not enter the city, which I had a great curiosity to see.
In the next place we shall introduce a subject of great curiosity, well known by the name of THE SILK-WORM.
After they had been for some time an object of great curiosity, they were removed by governmental order, being considered a presage of evil.
He adds that the deprivation of light for several years renders the child a great curiosity, if in conjunction its growth is dwarfed by means of food and drugs, and its vocal apparatus destroyed.
The ruins of these edifices and their walls are still to be seen, and are said to be a great curiosity.
I had a great curiosity to understand this mysterious transaction, and fortunately I met with a person who was able to explain it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great curiosity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.