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Example sentences for "great beauty"

  • The usual color of the hair being dark, fair hair was considered a great beauty.

  • This block contains, besides several private houses of great beauty, the Fullonica, or establishment for the fulling and dyeing of woolen cloths.

  • In these, and in their vicinity, are found carvings in stone, and painted vases of great beauty.

  • In St Maclou at Rouen are three magnificently carved doors; those by Jean Goujon have figures in niches on each side, and others in a group of great beauty in the centre.

  • At Como the two side doorways of the cathedral, one of which is said to be by Bramante, are of great beauty, and the same rich decoration is found throughout Spain and France.

  • The rivers of the department abound in gorges and falls of great beauty.

  • Two-thirds of the island are occupied by this limestone plateau, a region of great beauty broken by innumerable hills, valleys and sink-holes, and covered with luxuriant vegetation.

  • He was succeeded by Tozawa Benshi, an old man of over seventy in 1909, who, using clay from Owari or Hizen, has turned out many porcelain statuettes of great beauty.

  • The second row lights a circular inner gallery, which is above the aisles, and several of them offer paintings of great beauty.

  • These sculptures on wood, which are of great beauty, are of the beginning of the XVIth century.

  • The great tower is altogether a monument of great beauty.

  • The "St Brigid" strain is a charming one, and the flowers it produces are of great beauty.

  • Named varieties procured from reliable firms will all give satisfaction, and seedlings of great beauty can be bought at a moderate price, and will often give flowers suitable even for exhibition.

  • I had no assistants except some little shopboys, among whom was one of great beauty; he was the son of a prostitute called La Gambetta.

  • I carved on it a knot of leaves in the antique style, with figures of children and other masks of great beauty.

  • When the sketch was finished, another Roman lady of great beauty joined us; she had been above, and now descending to the ground-floor, asked Madonna Porzia what she was doing there.

  • It has a vaulted roof, supported by groined arches, and embellished with moulded tracery of great beauty.

  • The more recent chapel is a small, unpretending stone structure, and consists of a nave and an aisle at the north, separated by pointed arches, supported by clustered stone pillars of great beauty.

  • He had a son named Marcus, of great beauty, in the flower of his age, and no less admired for the goodness of his character.

  • The interior of the church is of great beauty, owing to the alternating of the piers carrying the eight arches with the columns set back in apsidal recesses.

  • This type is rarer than the first, and is often of great beauty.

  • Etienne (Stephanus) Delaune has left eight engraved designs for hand mirrors of great beauty.

  • Like the Germans, the French had excellent masters, who engraved models for jewellery of great beauty of design.

  • Colourless crystals, of great beauty, occur in association with calcite and native sulphur in the sulphur deposits of Sicily, as at Girgenti.

  • She was a woman of great beauty, but excessive vanity and notorious conduct.

  • Joanna Baillie's reputation does not rest entirely on her dramas; she was the author of some poems and songs of great beauty.

  • The Bruckenthal Library contains an illuminated missal of great beauty; the execution is singularly fine, and the designs very artistic.

  • The first design was clearly spoilt in the cutting, the second is of great beauty.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great beauty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great abilities; great character; great comet; great credit; great error; great fool; great heights; great house; great impression; great liking; great multitude followed him; great number; great pain; great poem; great portion; great reader; great relief; great reward; great sensation; great variety; great waters; greater extent; greatest width; greatly admired; vulgarly called; well done